BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:2412alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20191109 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20191110 URL: LOCATION:Paldiski maantee 67\, 10614 Tallinn\, Estonia SUMMARY:Baltics + Finland Nationals CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Nationals tournament for everyone interested in this great game . We'll have official NISEI prize kit + Eternal side event for everyone no t playing in the top cut.\nEntry Fee and Prizes\nThe prizes are from the N ISEI nationals kit and side event -- see picture\nEntry fee: (150/ # peopl e + 6) eur. Two drinks included.\nPrizes:\n\n1st place: First-round bye fo r any NISEI World Championship\nTop 8: SDS Drone Deployment playmat\nTop 1 2: Frosted plastic Lat: Ethical Freelancer\nTop 16: Alt art Apocalypse pla yset\nTop 32: Alt art Paragon playset\n\nDoor price: Alt art Marilyn Camp aign playset.\nRules and structure of the tournament\nDecks must be built according to the STANDARD format restrictions\, the latest Most Wanted Lis t (MWL 3.4) is enforced\, the uprising booster pack is legal. See http://n for further info\nThe structure of the tourn ament is the following:\n\n3 or 4 rounds of swiss\, 65 minutes per round. 4 rounds if more than 8 people attend.\nTop 4 double elimination\, if more 8+ people attend.\n\nTentative Schedule:\n\n10:30 registration\n11:00 sta rt of the first round\n12:15 lunch break\n13:45 start of the second round\ n15:00 start of the third round\n16:15 start of the fourth round\, if 8+ a ttendants.\n17:30 start double elimination and side event\, if 8+ attendan ts (top 4 most likely).\n\nEternal side event is included in the event ent ry fee and is played simultaneously with top cut. Please bring eternal dec ks following Nisei Eternal -format guidelines in order to participate (you r standard decks will 'likely' qualify as well\, but this is your chance t o play Jackson and Siphon).\nFor the people that come from Helsinki: we'l l do our best to finish in time for you to get on the 22.30 boat back. As unforeseen circumstances might happen\, we cannot however guarantee that w ith certainty. In case you are interested to join the Finns that will stay in Tallinn overnight\, please contact Aleksi.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
Nationals tournament for everyone intereste d in this great game. We'll have official NISEI prize kit + Eternal side e vent for everyone not playing in the top cut.
\nThe prizes are from the NISEI nationals kit and side e vent -- see picture
\nDoor price: Alt art Marilyn C ampaign playset.
\nDecks must be built according to the STANDARD format restrictions\ , the latest Most Wanted List (MWL 3.4) is enforced\, the uprising booster pack is legal. See for further info
\nThe structure of the tournament is the following:
\nEternal side event is included in th e event entry fee and is played simultaneously with top cut. Please bring eternal decks following Nisei Eternal -format guidelines in order to parti cipate (your standard decks will 'likely' qualify as well\, but this is yo ur chance to play Jackson and Siphon).
\nFor the people that come fr om Helsinki: we'll do our best to finish in time for you to get on the 22 .30 boat back. As unforeseen circumstances might happen\, we cannot howeve r guarantee that with certainty. In case you are interested to join the Fi nns that will stay in Tallinn overnight\, please contact Aleksi.