BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:239alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Australia/Brisbane:20250204T160000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Australia/Brisbane:20250204T235900 URL: LOCATION:281 Brunswick St\, Fortitude Valley QLD 4006\, Australia SUMMARY:Ultimate LCG League CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:With absolutely no gap between Leagues this time and pushing ri ght on through Christmas\, a time when Leagues are typically nowhere to be seen this event is going to please a lot of LCG players in Brisbane.\nDes pite the discontinuation of Warhammer: 40\,000 Conquest we still have one final (new) prize support kit for the game and it will be included in this League.\nThis League we introduce and include Star Wars: Destiny! While n o official prize kits have been revealed or made available we'll be using Boosters as prizes.\nPlayers will also be allowed to score points through playing the Arkham Horror LCG\, however there is no prize support for this game currently.\nDoomtown: Reloaded\, like Call of Cthulhu has now been r emoved from the list of games with prize support. Players are still more t han welcome to play these games for points however.\nThis League features brand new prize support in the form of the Summer 2016 kits from Fantasy F light Games.\nIf you aren't a member already\, join the Living Card Game B risbane Facebook Group\, most of the chatter takes place there - https://w\nWHAT: GUF Brisbane - LCG Ultimate League - Summer 2016\nWHEN: Tuesday December 6th - Tuesday February 7th ( 10 Weeks)\nENTRY FEE:\nFREE - No Prize Support\n$10 - Single Game Prize Su pport\n$15 - Multi-Game Prize Support\nFor those that only play one Living Card Game (Say Android: Netrunner) and are only interested in prize suppo rt for that one game\, you can pay the lower entry fee of only $10. If you play more than one LCG or are simply interested in more prize support the $15 option gives you access to all prize support.\nAs an alternative we a re allowing players to join the League for FREE. We will track your points and progress however you will not be eligable for any prize support.\nIMP ORTANT: If any of the games achieve eight or more preferred game players\, a second prize kit will be added to the prize pool.\nLEAGUE ORGANISERS: T oby Toogood &\; Ashley Cook\nFORMAT:\nUpon joining the League participa nts will be required to choose their preferred game. Valid choices are lim ited to - Android: Netrunner\, Warhammer 40\,000: Conquest\, Star Wars\, A Game of Thrones or Star Wars: Destiny.\nEach week participants are allowe d to play a maximum of three 'ranked' games. Participants must declare if the game is 'ranked' for them prior to commencement of play. One\, both or neither players can play a 'ranked' game. Participants may choose whom th ey wish to play and are at no stage forced to play anyone they do not wish to play.\nParticipants are welcome to play ANY of the games included in t he League and regardless of the game played may choose to play a 'ranked' match.\nParticipants are also welcome to play Call of Cthulhu\, Warhammer: Invasion\, Lord of the Rings\, Doomtown: Reloaded or Arkham Horror to acq uire points\, despite no prize support being available for these games.\nP articipants may play matches against non-league players as 'ranked'\, howe ver they may only do so within reason. We would encourage these non-league players to join the league using the FREE option.\nParticipants can play a maximum of 20 ranked matches over the course of the League with a limit of three ranked matches on any given evening. This allows for players to c atch up or finish early if needed.\nTournament Organisers may prohibit\, a t their discretion\, participants from playing one another for 'ranked' ga mes if it is deemed that an attempt to 'farm' points is taking place.\nPar ticpants are responsible for informing Tournament Organisers of match resu lts and scores\, not the other way around. If you do not report your match you will not receive points. We urge you to report your results immediate ly after every match.\nCASUAL PLAYERS:\nNon-League and/or Casual Players a re more than welcome to come down on a Tuesday evening to play games. You do not have to be a part of the League to enjoy LCG's at GUF\, however we now support a 'FREE' entry option were we can still keep track of your pro gress without any cost or prize support.\nPROXIES:\nProxy (Fake\, Printed\ , Photocopied) cards ARE permitted in this League within reason. A couple of 'hard to obtain cards' is perfectly fine\, a complete deck is not. If y ou are unsure\, please check with the tournament organisers prior to play. Please ensure that all Proxy cards are indistinguishable from the rest of the deck when stacked.\nSCORING:\nBecause we run multiple titles in our l eague\, scoring has been an ongoing challenge\, one that we continually tr y to improve upon. Previously we have used multiple scoreboards to track b oth symmetrical and asymmetrical games\, however this led to a great margi n for error in data entry.\nWe have now regressed back to a single scorebo ard\, however this time it is vastly improved with our knowledge gained fr om previous seasons.\nYou will only be able to acquire points once you hav e registered entry into the League. Sadly we cannot retroactively allocate points if you decide to join the League at a later date.\nAll of this inf ormation will be recorded live and visible to all using an online spreadsh eet which you can check anytime here -\n ts/d/1rezkg8HdlhQ3Cnyom8-O4Uy4DgVoPEQ-jKlXjCEqJPw/edit?usp=sharing\nWe urg e you to check the sheet regularly to ensure accurate result keeping.\nPRI ZES:\nPrizes will include Summer 2016 Game Night Kits for Living Card Game s and Boosters for Star Wars: Destiny.\nSTAR WARS - 1 x Set of Acrylic Scu m &\; Villainy Tokens. 2 x Alternate Art 'Prince Xizor. 17 x Alternate Art 'Lady Luck'.\nA GAME OF THRONES - 1 x Set of Acrylic Targaryen Power T okens. 2 x Alternate Art 'Trading with the Pentoshi'. 17 x Alternate Art ' Daenerys Targaryen'.\nANDROID: NETRUNNER - 1 x Set of Acrylic Power Tokens . 2 x Alternate Art 'Hayley Kaplan'. 17 x Alternate Art 'Bank Job'.\nWARHA MMER 40\,000: CONQUEST - 1 x Set of Acrylic Chaos Space Marine Tokens. 2 x Alternate Art 'Ba'ar Zul the Hate Bound'. 17 x Alternate Art 'Reanimation Protocol'.\nSTAR WARS: DESTINY -\nFor each participant who select SW: Des tiny as their primary game OR joins the League for FULL prize support we w ill add ONE booster to the prize pool. These will be opened and laid out o n the table at the end of the League and drafted out\, this gives the winn er the chance to pick the best card/die.\nPrizes are drafted out at the en d of the League based on standings on the above scoreboards.\nYou will be limited to your game of choice for the first round of prize draft picks. S ubseqent picks will depend on your entry fee. Those who entered the League with a 'Single Game' entry will only be able to take further prizes from their designated game. Those who entered the League with a 'Mutli Game' en try will be able to pick prizes from any game (again after the first round pick of their chosen game).\nIMPORTANT: If any of the games achieve eight or more preferred game players\, a second prize kit will be added to the prize pool.\nACHIEVEMENTS\nDefinitely one of the most fun parts of our Lea gues are the achievements and we bring them back again for this event with all new ideas provided by our players at the end of the last League.\nWit h all our achievements we expect a degree of effort to be put into it. A q uick scribble on a piece of paper on the night wont do.\nWEEK 1 (December 6th) - "\;I'M THE REAL ANDRU"\; - Wear a name tag that says your n ame is Andru. Profess to be the real Andru.\nWEEK 2 (December 13th) - &quo t\;SAILORS DAY"\; - December 13th is Sailors Day in Brazil. Why? I don 't know but it is. Bring something to do with boating. Please don't bring large objects into the store. Dressing up as a sailor\, or bringing a tedd y bear in a sailor outfit is fine.\nWEEK 3 December 20th) - "\;SECRET SANTA"\; - Bring a small (wrapped) gift and it will be randomly handed out to another player who also brought a gift. Don't spend more than $5 o n your gift though! It's meant to be a fun achievement not an expensive on e.\nWEEK 4 (December 27th) - "\;LOOK WHAT I GOT!"\; - Bring one of your Christams presents to show everyone what loot you scored. If not pra ctical\, bring a photo of it instead. Show it around and tell everyone how awesome it is.\nWEEK 5 (January 3rd) - "\;NATIONAL CHOCOLATE COVERED CHERRY DAY"\; - This is actually a thing in the United States. God Ble ss America. Bring a chocolate to share. Or cherrys. Or cherry's covered in chocolate. Or just a couple of cherry ripes.\nWEEK 6 (January 10th) - &qu ot\;I'M ON HOLIDAY"\; - Wear slippers\, thongs (flip-flops) or sandals . Simple.\nWEEK 7 (January 17th) - "\;ROLE PLAYING"\; - Choose a c haracter from your game and play a ranked game as if you where that charac ter\, mimicing speech\, mannerisms and the like.\nWEEK 8 (January 24th) - "\;EKKE EKKE EKKE EKKE PTANG ZOO BOING!"\; - Complete a rank match ed without saying the word 'it' once.\nWEEK 9 (January 31st) - "\;PIZZ A NIGHT"\; - Bring $5 cash to add to the kitty and we'll order a heap of pizzas from Dominos up the road. If you are vegetarian let us know so w e can accomodate you. Vegan or don't have the cash? Bring a Vegan snack or something to share from home. Dinner will be ordered at 6:15pm for a 6:30 pm pickup.\nWEEK 10 (February 7th) - "\;FEEDBACK"\; As always\, at the end of a League we ask you to give us some feedback\, preferably on F acebook.\nWHERE: Guf Brisbane\nFirst Floor 279 - 281\nBrunswick Street Mal l\nFortitude Valley\nBrisbane 4006\n07 3162 3135\nThe store is located ver y close to the Fortitude Valley train station. For those looking to drive to this event we urge you to book your parking at the 'McWhirters' car par k in advance as it's MUCH cheaper. It is recommend to park AFTER 4pm as th e cost of parking drops significantly. Check the Living Card Game Brisbane Group regularly for discount codes.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

With absolutely no gap between Leagues this time and pushing right on through Christmas\, a time when Leagues are typ ically nowhere to be seen this event is going to please a lot of LCG playe rs in Brisbane.


Despite the discontinuation of Warhammer: 40\,000 Conquest we still have one final (new) prize support kit for the game and it will be included in this League.


This League we introduce and i nclude Star Wars: Destiny! While no official prize kits have been revealed or made available we'll be using Boosters as prizes.


Players will also be allowed to score points through playing the Arkham Horror LCG\, h owever there is no prize support for this game currently.


Doomtown : Reloaded\, like Call of Cthulhu has now been removed from the list of ga mes with prize support. Players are still more than welcome to play these games for points however.


This League features brand new prize sup port in the form of the Summer 2016 kits from Fantasy Flight Games.

\n< p>If you aren't a member already\, join the Living Card Game Brisbane Face book Group\, most of the chatter takes place there - https://www.facebook. com/groups/421176287969190/


WHAT: GUF Brisbane - LCG Ultimate Leag ue - Summer 2016


WHEN: Tuesday December 6th - Tuesday February 7th (10 Weeks)


ENTRY FEE:\nFREE - No Prize Support\n$10 - Single Game Prize Support\n$15 - Multi-Game Prize Support


For those that only play one Living Card Game (Say Android: Netrunner) and are only intereste d in prize support for that one game\, you can pay the lower entry fee of only $10. If you play more than one LCG or are simply interested in more p rize support the $15 option gives you access to all prize support.


As an alternative we are allowing players to join the League for FREE. We will track your points and progress however you will not be eligable for any prize support.


IMPORTANT: If any of the games achieve eight or more preferred game players\, a second prize kit will be added to the pri ze pool.


LEAGUE ORGANISERS: Toby Toogood &\; Ashley Cook

\n< p>FORMAT:\nUpon joining the League participants will be required to choose their preferred game. Valid choices are limited to - Android: Netrunner\, Warhammer 40\,000: Conquest\, Star Wars\, A Game of Thrones or Star Wars: Destiny.


Each week participants are allowed to play a maximum of three 'ranked' games. Participants must declare if the game is 'ranked' fo r them prior to commencement of play. One\, both or neither players can pl ay a 'ranked' game. Participants may choose whom they wish to play and are at no stage forced to play anyone they do not wish to play.


Parti cipants are welcome to play ANY of the games included in the League and re gardless of the game played may choose to play a 'ranked' match.


P articipants are also welcome to play Call of Cthulhu\, Warhammer: Invasion \, Lord of the Rings\, Doomtown: Reloaded or Arkham Horror to acquire poin ts\, despite no prize support being available for these games.


Par ticipants may play matches against non-league players as 'ranked'\, howeve r they may only do so within reason. We would encourage these non-league p layers to join the league using the FREE option.


Participants can play a maximum of 20 ranked matches over the course of the League with a l imit of three ranked matches on any given evening. This allows for players to catch up or finish early if needed.


Tournament Organisers may prohibit\, at their discretion\, participants from playing one another for 'ranked' games if it is deemed that an attempt to 'farm' points is taking place.


Particpants are responsible for informing Tournament Organ isers of match results and scores\, not the other way around. If you do no t report your match you will not receive points. We urge you to report you r results immediately after every match.


CASUAL PLAYERS:\nNon-Leag ue and/or Casual Players are more than welcome to come down on a Tuesday e vening to play games. You do not have to be a part of the League to enjoy LCG's at GUF\, however we now support a 'FREE' entry option were we can st ill keep track of your progress without any cost or prize support.


PROXIES:\nProxy (Fake\, Printed\, Photocopied) cards ARE permitted in thi s League within reason. A couple of 'hard to obtain cards' is perfectly fi ne\, a complete deck is not. If you are unsure\, please check with the tou rnament organisers prior to play. Please ensure that all Proxy cards are i ndistinguishable from the rest of the deck when stacked.


SCORING:\ nBecause we run multiple titles in our league\, scoring has been an ongoin g challenge\, one that we continually try to improve upon. Previously we h ave used multiple scoreboards to track both symmetrical and asymmetrical g ames\, however this led to a great margin for error in data entry.


We have now regressed back to a single scoreboard\, however this time it is vastly improved with our knowledge gained from previous seasons.

\n< p>You will only be able to acquire points once you have registered entry i nto the League. Sadly we cannot retroactively allocate points if you decid e to join the League at a later date.


All of this information will be recorded live and visible to all using an online spreadsheet which you can check anytime here -

\n rezkg8HdlhQ3Cnyom8-O4Uy4DgVoPEQ-jKlXjCEqJPw/edit?usp=sharing


We ur ge you to check the sheet regularly to ensure accurate result keeping.


PRIZES:\nPrizes will include Summer 2016 Game Night Kits for Living C ard Games and Boosters for Star Wars: Destiny.


STAR WARS - 1 x Set of Acrylic Scum &\; Villainy Tokens. 2 x Alternate Art 'Prince Xizor. 17 x Alternate Art 'Lady Luck'.


A GAME OF THRONES - 1 x Set of Acr ylic Targaryen Power Tokens. 2 x Alternate Art 'Trading with the Pentoshi' . 17 x Alternate Art 'Daenerys Targaryen'.


ANDROID: NETRUNNER - 1 x Set of Acrylic Power Tokens. 2 x Alternate Art 'Hayley Kaplan'. 17 x Alt ernate Art 'Bank Job'.


WARHAMMER 40\,000: CONQUEST - 1 x Set of Ac rylic Chaos Space Marine Tokens. 2 x Alternate Art 'Ba'ar Zul the Hate Bou nd'. 17 x Alternate Art 'Reanimation Protocol'.


STAR WARS: DESTINY -\nFor each participant who select SW: Destiny as their primary game OR j oins the League for FULL prize support we will add ONE booster to the priz e pool. These will be opened and laid out on the table at the end of the L eague and drafted out\, this gives the winner the chance to pick the best card/die.


Prizes are drafted out at the end of the League based on standings on the above scoreboards.


You will be limited to your g ame of choice for the first round of prize draft picks. Subseqent picks wi ll depend on your entry fee. Those who entered the League with a 'Single G ame' entry will only be able to take further prizes from their designated game. Those who entered the League with a 'Mutli Game' entry will be able to pick prizes from any game (again after the first round pick of their ch osen game).


IMPORTANT: If any of the games achieve eight or more p referred game players\, a second prize kit will be added to the prize pool .


ACHIEVEMENTS\nDefinitely one of the most fun parts of our League s are the achievements and we bring them back again for this event with al l new ideas provided by our players at the end of the last League.


With all our achievements we expect a degree of effort to be put into it. A quick scribble on a piece of paper on the night wont do.


WEEK 1 (December 6th) - "\;I'M THE REAL ANDRU"\; - Wear a name tag that says your name is Andru. Profess to be the real Andru.


WEEK 2 (Dec ember 13th) - "\;SAILORS DAY"\; - December 13th is Sailors Day in Brazil. Why? I don't know but it is. Bring something to do with boating. P lease don't bring large objects into the store. Dressing up as a sailor\, or bringing a teddy bear in a sailor outfit is fine.


WEEK 3 Decemb er 20th) - "\;SECRET SANTA"\; - Bring a small (wrapped) gift and i t will be randomly handed out to another player who also brought a gift. D on't spend more than $5 on your gift though! It's meant to be a fun achiev ement not an expensive one.


WEEK 4 (December 27th) - "\;LOOK W HAT I GOT!"\; - Bring one of your Christams presents to show everyone what loot you scored. If not practical\, bring a photo of it instead. Show it around and tell everyone how awesome it is.


WEEK 5 (January 3r d) - "\;NATIONAL CHOCOLATE COVERED CHERRY DAY"\; - This is actuall y a thing in the United States. God Bless America. Bring a chocolate to sh are. Or cherrys. Or cherry's covered in chocolate. Or just a couple of che rry ripes.


WEEK 6 (January 10th) - "\;I'M ON HOLIDAY"\; - Wear slippers\, thongs (flip-flops) or sandals. Simple.


WEEK 7 (Ja nuary 17th) - "\;ROLE PLAYING"\; - Choose a character from your ga me and play a ranked game as if you where that character\, mimicing speech \, mannerisms and the like.


WEEK 8 (January 24th) - "\;EKKE EK KE EKKE EKKE PTANG ZOO BOING!"\; - Complete a rank matched without say ing the word 'it' once.


WEEK 9 (January 31st) - "\;PIZZA NIGHT "\; - Bring $5 cash to add to the kitty and we'll order a heap of pizz as from Dominos up the road. If you are vegetarian let us know so we can a ccomodate you. Vegan or don't have the cash? Bring a Vegan snack or someth ing to share from home. Dinner will be ordered at 6:15pm for a 6:30pm pick up.


WEEK 10 (February 7th) - "\;FEEDBACK"\; As always\, at the end of a League we ask you to give us some feedback\, preferably on F acebook.


WHERE: Guf Brisbane\nFirst Floor 279 - 281\nBrunswick Str eet Mall\nFortitude Valley\nBrisbane 4006\n07 3162 3135


The store is located very close to the Fortitude Valley train station. For those loo king to drive to this event we urge you to book your parking at the 'McWhi rters' car park in advance as it's MUCH cheaper. It is recommend to park A FTER 4pm as the cost of parking drops significantly. Check the Living Card Game Brisbane Group regularly for discount codes.