BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:2388alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20190908 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20190909 URL: ravaganza SUMMARY:Nürnberg Random ID Swap Extravaganza CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:This rather unusual tournament was run as a side event after N ürnberg Regionals 2019.\nPlayers have been assigned random IDs once they registered in advance. IDs that are generally considered top tier were not in the pool. On the day\, players were randomly paired to form teams of t wo\, exchanged the decks they brought and went on to playing the tournamen t\, winning not only points for themselves but also gaining some points wh en their partner won with the decks they built (3 points as usual for your own wins\, +1 point if your partner split OR +3 points if your partner sw ept).\nThe idea was that this would lead to some very unusual and interest ing jank decks that still had the incentive to work well in the hands of s omebody who has never piloted them before.\nThis is not everyone's cup of tea\, but we had the perfect crowd for this. A wild ride for people who en joy experimenting with unusual deck ideas. It was tremendous fun and I enc ourage everyone to try this format. Will definitely run this again!\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
This rather unusual tournament was run as a side event after Nürnberg Regionals 2019.\nPlayers have been assigned ra ndom IDs once they registered in advance. IDs that are generally considere d top tier were not in the pool. On the day\, players were randomly paired to form teams of two\, exchanged the decks they brought and went on to pl aying the tournament\, winning not only points for themselves but also gai ning some points when their partner won with the decks they built (3 point s as usual for your own wins\, +1 point if your partner split OR +3 points if your partner swept).
\nThe idea was that this would lead to some very unusual and interesting jank decks that still had the incentive to w ork well in the hands of somebody who has never piloted them before.
\nThis is not everyone's cup of tea\, but we had the perfect crowd for th is. A wild ride for people who enjoy experimenting with unusual deck ideas . It was tremendous fun and I encourage everyone to try this format. Will definitely run this again!