BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:2375alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20200110 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20200113 URL: view LOCATION:Egidienpl. 23\, 90403 Nürnberg\, Germany SUMMARY:German Nationals 2019\, Overview CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:This is the overview page for German Nationals.\nFor Updates vi sit: Stimhack Forum\nRegistration\nRegistration for the Netrunner German N ationals 2019 is now open.\nTickets are on sale for €35 until January 9t h\, pre-payment is vastly preferred over cash :)\n(You will be able to pur chase tickets tickets on-site)\nThis includes entry for all 3 days of the tournament\, as well as all side events.\nTo get your ticket\, please tran sfer money to IBAN: DE24 5001 0517 5565 7482 13\, BIC: INGDDEFFXXX (Accoun t Owner: Gereon Steffens).\nAlternatively\, you can use Paypal: https://pa Please don't forget to include your name(s)\, a nd make sure you use the "\;friends &\; family"\; option!\nIn r eturn for you prepayment\, you can receive the custom Palana ID that we ha d made as a participation prize well in advance of the tournament\, and it will serve as your entry ticket - so don't trade or lose it! If you'd lik e to receive the card in advance\, be sure to give us your address. We wil l start mailing the cards sometime in mid-October\, but of course you can also choose to pick them up at the tournanment.\nSee you in Nuremberg!\nEv ent Overview\n\nThu 9-Jan-2020 from 19:30: Five Diner\, Burgers\n\nFri 10- Jan-2020 from 13:00: King of Servers / König von Deutschland &\; after wards Artist &\; Trading Bazar\nSat 11-Jan-2020: Main Events Swiss & \; Casual Nationals\n\nSun 12-Jan-2020 to 18:00: Top Cut &\; Site Event s\n\nSide events on Sunday are split into blocks\, Block 1: 9:00 - 13:00\, Block 2: 13:30 - 17:30\nWe want to offer a broad range of side events an d plan for most of them to be 4 h ~ 3 rounds of swiss. Help us by register ing for them\, so we know which ones to run.\nBlock 1 &\; 2:\n\n\nDraft \, using a Cube or Draft Packs (will need both blocks)\n\n\nBlock 1:\n\n\n Eternal\n\n\nSealed (Create a Corp &\; Runner Deck from 85 random cards \n\n\nNetForger (Automatic Generated Deck that you have to play)\n\n\nBloc k 2:\n\n\nChess Runner\n\n\nCore Experience\n\n\nGerman Nationals Random I D Swap Extravaganza\n\n\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

This is the overview page for German Nation als.\nFor Updates visit: Stimhack Forum




Registration for the Netru nner German Nationals 2019 is now open.


Tickets are on sale fo r €35 until January 9th\, pre-payment is vastly preferred over cash :)\n (You will be able to purchase tickets tickets on-site)


This includ es entry for all 3 days of the tournament\, as well as all side events.


To get your ticket\, please transfer money to IBAN: DE24 5001 0517 5 565 7482 13\, BIC: INGDDEFFXXX (Account Owner: Gereon Steffens).\nAlternat ively\, you can use Paypal: Please do n't forget to include your name(s)\, and make sure you use the "\;frie nds &\; family"\; option!


In return for you prepayment\, yo u can receive the custom Palana ID that we had made as a participation pri ze well in advance of the tournament\, and it will serve as your entry tic ket - so don't trade or lose it! If you'd like to receive the card in adva nce\, be sure to give us your address. We will start mailing the cards som etime in mid-October\, but of course you can also choose to pick them up a t the tournanment.


See you in Nuremberg!


Event Overview\n\n

Side events on Sunday are split int o blocks\, Block 1: 9:00 - 13:00\, Block 2: 13:30 - 17:30\nWe want to off er a broad range of side events and plan for most of them to be 4 h ~ 3 ro unds of swiss. Help us by registering for them\, so we know which ones to run.


Block 1 &\; 2:


Block 1:


Block 2: