BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:2372alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Warsaw:20191019T110000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Warsaw:20191020T235900 URL: LOCATION:Dmowskiego 15\, 80-243 GdaƄsk\, Poland SUMMARY:Polish Nationals 2019 CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:It's about time to announce it officially - Polish Nationals 20 19 will happen! I'm more than welcome to invite you to weekend full of hac king and mind games in Gdansk!\nRules: Nisei Competitive event\, most rece nt FAQ and MWL 3.4 (\nC ardpool: Downfall + Uprising Booster Pack\nProxies: allowed\, as long as t hey are readable and clearly distinguishable\nPrice: 80 PLN (including 30 PLN to be spent at The Bar)\nMain event prizes: Nisei Nationals Kit (http: //\nSide tournament prizes: Core Experienc e Kit (\nSchedule:\nSaturday - Main Event Swiss (5 rounds + possible tiebreaker)\; approximate schedule:\n10: 30 - registration starts\n11:00 - first round\n12:10 - second round\n13:15 - lunch break\n13:40 - third round\n14:50 - fourth round\n16:00 - fifth r ound\n17:10 - optional tiebreaker\nSunday - top4\, or top8 (depends on num ber of players) + side tournament (Core Exp Kit)\;\n11:00 top cut start\n~ 11:15 side tournament start - details TBD\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

It's about time to announce it officially - Polish Nationals 2019 will happen! I'm more than welcome to invite you to weekend full of hacking and mind games in Gdansk!


Rules: Nisei Co mpetitive event\, most recent FAQ and MWL 3.4 ( nized_Play_Policies.pdf)


Cardpool: Downfall + Uprising Booster Pac k


Proxies: allowed\, as long as they are readable and clearly dist inguishable


Price: 80 PLN (including 30 PLN to be spent at The Bar )


Main event prizes: Nisei Nationals Kit ( /2019-National)


Side tournament prizes: Core Experience Kit (http: //


Schedule:\nSaturday - Main Even t Swiss (5 rounds + possible tiebreaker)\; approximate schedule:\n10:30 - registration starts\n11:00 - first round\n12:10 - second round\n13:15 - lu nch break\n13:40 - third round\n14:50 - fourth round\n16:00 - fifth round\ n17:10 - optional tiebreaker


Sunday - top4\, or top8 (depends on n umber of players) + side tournament (Core Exp Kit)\;\n11:00 top cut start\ n~11:15 side tournament start - details TBD