BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:2371alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20190914T110000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20190914T235900 URL: -regional LOCATION:17-17a Academy St\, Edinburgh EH6 7EE\, UK SUMMARY:Theophilius Bagpiper Nisei Regional CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Good golly\, we've finally got round to organising our regional . Thanks to the lovely people at NISEI we have the fantastic regional kit as prize support which consists of:\nTop 66: Alt-art Scrubber\nTop 32: Alt -art Adam: Compulsive Hacker\nTop 16: Alt-art ACME Consulting: The Truth Y ou Need\nTop 8: The Artist playmat\nTop 4: Frosted plastic Az McCaffrey: M echanical Prodigy\n1st place: First-round bye for any NISEI National or Co ntinental Championship\nIn addition to this host of goodies we have additi onal prize support from Aurbits with more details to follow! We'll also be organising the option to make a group purchase for participants for cheap er shipping costs.\nTickets are £20 and registration will be from 10:30\, with round 1 beginning at 11:00. The finishing time\, number of rounds an d top cut will be dependent on number of attendees.\nThe venue is Leith Do ckers club. It is a 35 minute walk from Waverley Station\, straight down L eith Walk. Alternatively\, bus numbers 7\, 10\, 14 and 16 will take you fr om various points in central Edinburgh to round the corner from the venue. \nThere will be a bar on-site from 11am and attendees can bring cold outsi de food with them. There will also be a lunch break. Information on surrou nding food options to follow.\nFinally\, we are committed to safe and incl usive events and the NISEI Code of Conduct will be enforced on the day. Fo r more information see:\n\nIf there are any queries or concerns in advance of the event please get in touch.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Good golly\, we've finally got round to org anising our regional. Thanks to the lovely people at NISEI we have the fan tastic regional kit as prize support which consists of:


Top 66: Al t-art Scrubber\nTop 32: Alt-art Adam: Compulsive Hacker\nTop 16: Alt-art A CME Consulting: The Truth You Need\nTop 8: The Artist playmat\nTop 4: Fros ted plastic Az McCaffrey: Mechanical Prodigy\n1st place: First-round bye f or any NISEI National or Continental Championship


In addition to t his host of goodies we have additional prize support from Aurbits with mor e details to follow! We'll also be organising the option to make a group p urchase for participants for cheaper shipping costs.


Tickets are £20 and registration will be from 10:30\, with round 1 beginning at 11:00 . The finishing time\, number of rounds and top cut will be dependent on n umber of attendees.


The venue is Leith Dockers club. It is a 35 mi nute walk from Waverley Station\, straight down Leith Walk. Alternatively\ , bus numbers 7\, 10\, 14 and 16 will take you from various points in cent ral Edinburgh to round the corner from the venue.


There will be a bar on-site from 11am and attendees can bring cold outside food with them. There will also be a lunch break. Information on surrounding food options to follow.


Finally\, we are committed to safe and inclusive event s and the NISEI Code of Conduct will be enforced on the day. For more info rmation see:



If the re are any queries or concerns in advance of the event please get in touch .