BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:2347alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Dublin:20190831T121500 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Dublin:20190831T235900 URL: p-2019-dublin-ire SUMMARY:Nisei Regional Championship 2019 - Dublin\, IRE. CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Finally\, an event page for the Regional in Dublin!\nTL\;DR: €15\, The Brew Dock in Dublin on the 31/8/2019. Loads of swag and a bit of food thrown in too. Please come along!\nApologies for the delay\, but w ith a new job which has kept me really busy over the past couple of weeks\ , moving to a different part of the country and a mix-up in communication between the venue and myself\; I've managed to reserve a few tables for us in 'The Brew Dock' bar.\nIt's about as central as you can get\, right nex t to the Bus Aras Luas Stop for those traveling by train\, bus or Dart.\nI 'm really hoping that we can get a decent turnout for this\, so tell your friends! If there's a larger turnout than expected\, than great. It might be a little cozy for table space\, but we'll cross that bridge when we get to it!\nI'll drop by the bar again before the event\, to double-check the upstairs and eye up the space available.\nEntry will be €15 and there's loads of entry swag. Depending on the turnout\, you'll probably end up wi th a play-set of 'Scrubber' as well as an alt-Adam and alt-ACME Consulting . I've asked about some platters of food around the mid-way point as well\ , so you'll get some food to soak up the beer and brain damage!\nIt will m ore than likely be a straight Swiss with four rounds\, judging by the turn out from previous events\, so for those that have trains/buses to catch\, it shouldn't be too late finishing up.\nStandard format and recent Most Wa nted List (removed/restricted for the newer folks) applies which you can f ind through this link:\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Finally\, an event page for the Regional in Dublin!


TL\;DR: €15\, The Brew Dock in Dublin on the 31/8/2019. Loads of swag and a bit of food thrown in too. Please come along!


Apologies for the delay\, but with a new job which has kept me really bus y over the past couple of weeks\, moving to a different part of the countr y and a mix-up in communication between the venue and myself\; I've manage d to reserve a few tables for us in 'The Brew Dock' bar.


It's abou t as central as you can get\, right next to the Bus Aras Luas Stop for tho se traveling by train\, bus or Dart.


I'm really hoping that we can get a decent turnout for this\, so tell your friends! If there's a larger turnout than expected\, than great. It might be a little cozy for table s pace\, but we'll cross that bridge when we get to it!


I'll drop by the bar again before the event\, to double-check the upstairs and eye up the space available.


Entry will be €15 and there's loads of entr y swag. Depending on the turnout\, you'll probably end up with a play-set of 'Scrubber' as well as an alt-Adam and alt-ACME Consulting. I've asked a bout some platters of food around the mid-way point as well\, so you'll ge t some food to soak up the beer and brain damage!


It will more tha n likely be a straight Swiss with four rounds\, judging by the turnout fro m previous events\, so for those that have trains/buses to catch\, it shou ldn't be too late finishing up.


Standard format and recent Most Wa nted List (removed/restricted for the newer folks) applies which you can f ind through this link: