BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:2344alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20191109T100000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20191110T235900 URL: LOCATION:36-42 Union St\, Sheffield S1 2JP\, UK SUMMARY:UK Nationals: Main event CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:\nPatriot Games are proud to be running our first Nisei Nationa l Championships!\nEarn your bye at the Nisei Worlds 2020\, along with plen ty of other amazing prizes at the UK Nationals 2019!\n\nWe will be remembe ring Ciara Maxey with a memorial over the weekend - details to come.\n\nDa te: Saturday 9th - Sunday 10th\, of November 2019\nSaturday\nDoors open: 9 :00\nRegistration starts: 9:15\nRegistration Ends: 9:55\nRound one starts: 10:00\nEntry cost: £25.00\nSunday\nDoors Open: 10:00\nTop Cut Sign in: 1 0:15\nTop Cut Round One Start: 10:30\nSide Event Start Times:\nCore XP: 11 :00\, 13:00\, 15:00\nEternal: 12:00\, 14:00\, 16:00\nEntry Cost: Included in main event ticket // Or £5 if you didn't enter the main event\,\nIf yo u would like to pay a voluntary donation for Side Events\, all proceeds wi ll will go to Sheffield Mind\, and the amazing work they do surrounding Me ntal Health in the Sheffield area.\n\nFormat: Nisei standard - the latest cardpool and MWL can be found here\nDecklists: Required\nProxies: Printed proxies and alt arts are allowed as long as they are legible\, approved by the TO before the event begins\, in good taste\, and indistinguishable fr om other cards when sleeved\nStructure:\n\n65 Minute Rounds\n\n\n25-32 pla yers: 4 rounds\, top 8\n33-56 players: 5 rounds\, top 8\n57-80 players: 6 rounds\, top 8\n\nTop Cut will be played on Day Two (See below)\nTiebreak rounds are possible\, and would be run on Sunday if we decide they would b e needed.\n\nPrize Support:\nParticipation prize: 3x Preemptive Action alt -art and 1x 15 Minutes alt-art\, both designed by Akira J. Mitchell\n\nRan dom Spot prizes Given out Throughout the Day!\n\nTop 64\n\nAlt art Marilyn Campaign playset\n\nTop 32\n\nAlt art Paragon playset\n\nTop 16\n\nAlt ar t Apocalypse playset\n\nTop 12\n\nFrosted plastic Lat: Ethical Freelancer\ n\nTop 8:\n\nSDS Drone Deployment playmat\n\nWinner\n\nFirst Round Bye at Nisei World Championships\nCustom-made Trophy\nAll Other Tiered Prize Supp ort Mentioned Above\n\n\nHave any questions?\nMessage us\n@PatriotGames\nE mail us\\nCall us\n0114 2731762\n\nPaul Gillibr and will be the TO - you can contact him by posting a message in this even t or directly via Facebook Messenger or @paulyg on Stimhack Slack.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
\nPatriot Games are prou d to be running our first Nisei National Championships!
\nEarn your bye at the Nisei Worlds 2020\, along with plenty of other amazing prizes a t the UK Nationals 2019!
\nWe will be remembering Ciara Maxe y with a memorial over the weekend - details to come.
\n< strong>Saturday\nDoors open: 9:00\nRegis tration starts: 9:15\nRegistration Ends: 9:55\n< strong>Round one starts: 10:00\nEntry cost: £25 .00
\nSunday\nDoors Open: 10:00\n< strong>Top Cut Sign in: 10:15\nTop Cut Round One Start: strong> 10:30
\nSide Event Start Times:\nCo re XP: 11:00\, 13:00\, 15:00\nEternal: 12:00\, 1 4:00\, 16:00\nEntry Cost: Included in main event ticket / / Or £5 if you didn't enter the main event\,
\nIf you would like to pay a voluntary donation for Side Events\, all proceeds will will go to S heffield Mind\, and the amazing work they do surrounding Mental Health in the Sheffield area.
\nFormat: Nisei standard - the latest ca rdpool and MWL can be found here\nDecklists: Required\nProxies: Printed proxies and alt arts are allowed as long as they are legible\, approved by the TO before the event begins\, in good taste\, and indistin guishable from other cards when sleeved
\nTop Cut will be played on Day Two (See below)
\nTiebreak rounds are possible\, and would be run on Su nday if we decide they would be needed.
\nPrize Supp ort:\nParticipation prize: 3x Preemptive Action alt-art and 1x 15 Minutes alt-art\, both designed by Akira J. Mitchell
\nTop 64
\n\nTop 32
\nTop 16
\nTop 12
\nTop 8:
\nHave any que stions?
\nMessage us\n@PatriotGames
\nEmail us\nevents@patriot
\nCall us\n0114 2731762
\nPaul Gillibrand will be the TO - you can contact him by posting a message in this event o r directly via Facebook Messenger or @paulyg on Stimhack Slack.