BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:2343alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20191108T110000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20191108T235900 URL: servers LOCATION:36-42 Union St\, Sheffield S1 2JP\, UK SUMMARY:UK Nationals: President of Servers CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:\nWelcome to a very special team event where players compete to gether in teams of four\, displaying skill across all the factions in the game and helping each other\, for the honour of being crowned President of Servers 2019!\nTo take part\, you will need to put together a team of fou r (if you’re looking for team-mates then feel free to post in this event \, on Slack\, or reach out to the organisers). Each of you must bring a de ck from a different corp faction. On the runner side\, you are allowed to duplicate one faction (as long as the IDs are different) and you are allow ed to substitute a mini faction for any of the main factions. If you have any questions about whether your choice of IDs is ok then please contact t he organisers.\nDuring the tournament\, teams will be paired in four swiss rounds according to their total prestige (calculated as normal\, i.e. 3 p oints per win). Teams will be seated together in prestige order and TEAM T ALK IS ENCOURAGED. If you’ve ever felt the need to tell the person sitti ng next to you at a tournament that they should clearly Stimhack the remot e then this is the event for you because that person will be on your team and you should totally tell them.\nFinally\, note that only one ticket is needed PER TEAM. So once you have your team together\, nominate one person to buy your ticket and you’ll be all set.\n\nDate: Friday 8th November 2019\nDoors open: 10:00\nRegistration starts: 10:30\nRegistration Ends: 10 :55\nRound one starts: 11:00\nEntry cost: £12 per team\n\nFormat: Nisei s tandard - the latest cardpool and MWL can be found here\nDecklists: Not Re quired.\nProxies: Printed proxies and alt arts are allowed as long as they are legible\, approved by the TO before the event begins\, in good taste\ , and indistinguishable from other cards when sleeved\nStructure:\n\n4x 70 Minute Rounds\nFour players per team.\n\n\nPrize Support:\n\nParticipatio n: 1x Double-sided alt-art Omar/MaxX OR 1x Double-sided alt-art 419/Liza\n Winning Team: Store Credit (Amount to be announced on the day) &\; Clic k Trackers\n\n\nHave any questions?\nMessage us\n@PatriotGames\nEmail us\n\nCall us\n0114 2731762\n\nPaul Gillibrand will be the TO - you can contact him by posting a message in this event or dire ctly via Facebook Messenger or @paulyg on Stimhack Slack.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:



Welcome to a very spec ial team event where players compete together in teams of four\, displayin g skill across all the factions in the game and helping each other\, for t he honour of being crowned President of Servers 2019!


To take part \, you will need to put together a team of four (if you’re looking for t eam-mates then feel free to post in this event\, on Slack\, or reach out t o the organisers). Each of you must bring a deck from a different corp fac tion. On the runner side\, you are allowed to duplicate one faction (as lo ng as the IDs are different) and you are allowed to substitute a mini fact ion for any of the main factions. If you have any questions about whether your choice of IDs is ok then please contact the organisers.


Durin g the tournament\, teams will be paired in four swiss rounds according to their total prestige (calculated as normal\, i.e. 3 points per win). Teams will be seated together in prestige order and TEAM TALK IS ENCOURAGED. If you’ve ever felt the need to tell the person sitting next to you at a t ournament that they should clearly Stimhack the remote then this is the ev ent for you because that person will be on your team and you should totall y tell them.


Finally\, note that only one ticket is needed PER TEA M. So once you have your team together\, nominate one person to buy your t icket and you’ll be all set.


Date: Frid ay 8th November 2019\nDoors open: 10:00\nRegistra tion starts: 10:30\nRegistration Ends: 10:55\nRound one starts: 11:00\nEntry cost: £12 per team


Format: Nisei standard - the lat est cardpool and MWL can be found here\nDecklists: Not Required.\nPro xies: Printed proxies and alt arts are allowed as long as they ar e legible\, approved by the TO before the event begins\, in good taste\, a nd indistinguishable from other cards when sleeved


Structu re:


Prize Support:


Have any quest ions?


Message us\n@PatriotGames


Email us\nevents@patriotga


Call us\n0114 2731762


Paul Gillibrand w ill be the TO - you can contact him by posting a message in this event or directly via Facebook Messenger or @paulyg on Stimhack Slack.