BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:2336alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Brussels:20190927T110000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Brussels:20190929T235900 URL: hip-2019 LOCATION:Hoofdkerkstraat 7\, 2000 Antwerpen\, Belgium SUMMARY:Belgian National Championship 2019 CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:\nAnnouncing the 2019 Belgian National Championship for Android : Netrunner! The schedule is largely the same as last year but we have a n ew venue. It's also the weekend before Worlds in Rotterdam\, so it's a gre at warm-up event!\nDates: Friday the 27th through Sunday the 29th of Septe mber\nLocation: The Playground\, Hoofdkerkstraat 7\, 2000 Antwerpen\nTO/Ju dge: Thomas "\;Cluster Fox"\; Van der Cruysse\nJudge #2: Pieter &q uot\;FREDPI"\; Pype\nABR: will be up soon\nFRIDAY\n20:00 – Pub Quiz\ nFor those who are arriving on Friday\, we’ll be hosting a Netrunner-the med quiz! Preregistration for this event is not necessary\, anyone who sho ws up can participate. Format and players per team will be a surprise. The Playground has a selection of nice beers and warm beverages amoung other things so it should be a great evening. For those interested\, The Playgro und has a decent selection of board games that can be played following the quiz.\nSATURDAY\n10:30 – Netrunner Sign-ups\nWe are hard-capped at 58 p articipants. Registration costs €25. Decklists are mandatory and all car ds must be in opaque sleeves. Proxies for any cards are permitted. If you have made proxies you will be required to show them to the TO to confirm t heir quality. Proxies must be printed and immediately recognizable as the card they represent\, writing the name of the card and a doodle of the art on a slip of paper will not be permitted. Additionally\, your decks must be compliant with rotation and the current Most Wanted List 3.4\, the MWL can be found here:\n\n11:00 – Start of Swiss\nAnd yes\, the Worlds booster pack will be legal by proxy.\nWe w ill be playing five rounds of swiss. We will break for lunch after Round 2 .\n19:00 – BBQ\nNear The Playground we will be holding an open-air BBQ o n one of the city’s cozier squares (approx. 10 min walk). For the price of €15 you get several choices of meat and a salad bar with bread and sa uces. THIS IS ONLY AVAILABLE TO PLAYERS WHO PRE-REGISTER.\nSUNDAY\n11:00 - Top 8 Cut\n11:20 - Side Event\nAll information about the side event can b e found here:\n ternal\nPRE-REGISTRATION\nAs we are hard-capped at 58 players\, you may wa nt to book your ticket in advance. The cost is €25. If you would like to participate in the BBQ\, then that is an additional €15 totalling it to €40.\nThis can be made over to:\nIBAN BE75 3771 0058 0751\nor PayPal: t\nWe will keep an updated list in the discussion section of this event to track pre-registrations.\nVENUE\nThe Playground i s located in a cozier section of the city in car-free streets. We have boo ked the 1st floor and the basement for the entire weekend. You are allowed to bring your own food in but refrain from bringing your own drinks. Ther e are plenty of choices at the bar and as The Plagyground is quite a new p lace which is largely volunteer-run\, we would encourage everyone to purch ase a few beverages during the event to help them out.\nCONTACT\nIf you ha ve any questions\, comments\, ideas\, suggestions\, criticisms\, additiona l prize support you'd like to donate or would like to volunteer to help wi th anything in particular\, you can send me a direct message on Facebook ( Thomas Van der Cruysse)\, message me on Slack (clusterfox) or e-mail me at\nAdditionally for Slack users\, we have create d the channel #belgian-nationals for questions or meeting up with other pe ople.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:



Announcing the 2019 Belgian National Championship for Android: Netrunner! The schedule is largely the same as last year but we have a new venue. It' s also the weekend before Worlds in Rotterdam\, so it's a great warm-up ev ent!


Dates: Friday the 27th through Sunday the 29th of September\n Location: The Playground\, Hoofdkerkstraat 7\, 2000 Antwerpen\nTO/Judge: T homas "\;Cluster Fox"\; Van der Cruysse\nJudge #2: Pieter "\;F REDPI"\; Pype\nABR: will be up soon


FRIDAY\n20:00 – Pub Quiz \nFor those who are arriving on Friday\, we’ll be hosting a Netrunner-th emed quiz! Preregistration for this event is not necessary\, anyone who sh ows up can participate. Format and players per team will be a surprise. Th e Playground has a selection of nice beers and warm beverages amoung other things so it should be a great evening. For those interested\, The Playgr ound has a decent selection of board games that can be played following th e quiz.


SATURDAY\n10:30 – Netrunner Sign-ups\nWe are hard-capped at 58 participants. Registration costs €25. Decklists are mandatory and all cards must be in opaque sleeves. Proxies for any cards are permitted. If you have made proxies you will be required to show them to the TO to c onfirm their quality. Proxies must be printed and immediately recognizable as the card they represent\, writing the name of the card and a doodle of the art on a slip of paper will not be permitted. Additionally\, your dec ks must be compliant with rotation and the current Most Wanted List 3.4\, the MWL can be found here:\n\n11:00 – Start of Swiss\nAnd yes\, the Worlds booster pack will be legal by pro xy.\nWe will be playing five rounds of swiss. We will break for lunch afte r Round 2.\n19:00 – BBQ\nNear The Playground we will be holding an open- air BBQ on one of the city’s cozier squares (approx. 10 min walk). For t he price of €15 you get several choices of meat and a salad bar with bre ad and sauces. THIS IS ONLY AVAILABLE TO PLAYERS WHO PRE-REGISTER.


SUNDAY\n11:00 - Top 8 Cut\n11:20 - Side Event\nAll information about the side event can be found here:\n 0/belgium-nats-eternal


PRE-REGISTRATION\nAs we are hard-capped at 58 players\, you may want to book your ticket in advance. The cost is €2 5. If you would like to participate in the BBQ\, then that is an additiona l €15 totalling it to €40.\nThis can be made over to:\nIBAN BE75 3771 0058 0751\nor PayPal:


We will keep an u pdated list in the discussion section of this event to track pre-registrat ions.


VENUE\nThe Playground is located in a cozier section of the city in car-free streets. We have booked the 1st floor and the basement fo r the entire weekend. You are allowed to bring your own food in but refrai n from bringing your own drinks. There are plenty of choices at the bar an d as The Plagyground is quite a new place which is largely volunteer-run\, we would encourage everyone to purchase a few beverages during the event to help them out.


CONTACT\nIf you have any questions\, comments\, ideas\, suggestions\, criticisms\, additional prize support you'd like to donate or would like to volunteer to help with anything in particular\, yo u can send me a direct message on Facebook (Thomas Van der Cruysse)\, mess age me on Slack (clusterfox) or e-mail me at\nA dditionally for Slack users\, we have created the channel #belgian-nationa ls for questions or meeting up with other people.