BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:2324alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Tallinn:20190831T113000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Tallinn:20190831T235900 URL: ent-in-tartu LOCATION:Riia 12\, 51010 Tartu\, Estonia SUMMARY:Netrunner Regional tournament in Tartu CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:#Venue\nThe venue is the defense forces casino which has been b ooked for our event exclusively. You can get some drink/snacks on the spot if you desire. Important!! Please send your social security number to me before the event. This is a basic precaution and necessary for using these premises. We apologize for any inconvenience caused by this.\nEntry Fee a nd Prizes\nThe prizes are from the NISEI regionals kit. More details avail able here\nE ntry fee: (110 / # people) eur. This kit is rather pricey but has a lot of promos and a bunch of playmats. The playmats in the kit should cover most of the attendance fee for almost all the players who are thinking about a ttending.\nPrizes:\n\n1st place: First-round bye for any NISEI National or Continental Championship\nTop 4: 1x Frosted plastic Az McCaffrey: Mechani cal Prodigy\nTop 8: 1x The Artist playmat\nTop 16: 1x Alt-art ACME Consult ing: The Truth You Need\nTop 32: 1x Alt-art Adam: Compulsive Hacker. If le ss people attend we will hand out all the Adams.\nTop 64 (haha...): 1x Alt -art Scrubber. If less people attend we will hand out all the scrubbers.\n \nRules and structure of the tournament\nDecks must be built according to the STANDARD format restrictions\, the latest Most Wanted List (MWL 3.3) i s enforced. See for further info or contact the organizer. I'll say it again: PROXIES ARE ALLOWED. But please put at least a small amount of effort into your proxies. The cards must be legible. If you are using hand-made proxies\, custom illustrations are ma ndatory!! :)\nThe structure of the tournament is the following:\n\n3 or 4 rounds of swiss\, 65 minutes per round. 4 rounds if more than 8 people att end.\nTop 4 double elimination\, if more 13+ people attend.\n\nSchedule:\n \n11:00 registration\n11:30 start of the first round\n12:45 lunch break\n1 4:15 start of the second round\n15:30 start of the third round\n16:45 star t of the fourth round\, if 8+ attendants.\n18:00 start Top 4 double elimin ation\, if 13+ attendants.\n\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

#Venue\nThe venue is the defense forces cas ino which has been booked for our event exclusively. You can get some drin k/snacks on the spot if you desire. Important!! Please send your social se curity number to me before the event. This is a basic precaution and neces sary for using these premises. We apologize for any inconvenience caused b y this.


Entry Fee and Prizes


The prizes are from the NIS EI regionals kit. More details available here e-kits/2019-regional-championship


Entry fee: (110 / # people) eur . This kit is rather pricey but has a lot of promos and a bunch of playmat s. The playmats in the kit should cover most of the attendance fee for alm ost all the players who are thinking about attending.



Rules and structure o f the tournament


Decks must be built according to the STANDARD fo rmat restrictions\, the latest Most Wanted List (MWL 3.3) is enforced. See for further info or contact the org anizer. I'll say it again: PROXIES ARE ALLOWED. But please put at least a small amount of effort into your proxies. The cards must be legible. If yo u are using hand-made proxies\, custom illustrations are mandatory!! :)


The structure of the tournament is the following:

