BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:2322alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Stockholm:20190907T110000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Stockholm:20190908T235900 URL: LOCATION:Sparbanksvägen 14\, 129 32 Hägersten\, Sweden SUMMARY:Swedish Nationals 2019 CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:\nDates: Saturday the 7th through Sunday the 8th of September\, 2019.\nPlace: Alphaspel\, Sparbanksvägen 14 in Stockholm\, Sweden.\nTick ets: 250 SEK per ticket. Soft cap of 52.\nReserve your spot via PayPal (an y) or via Swish (only in Sweden). Be sure to write your name as well\, so I can keep track of registered players. Tickets are non-refundable.\nTicke ts can be bought at the venue on the day of in order of availability. This page will be updated with available tickets.\nDay 1:\nSwiss rounds\n10:00 -10:45 – Sign-ups\n11:00 – Start of Swiss rounds\nThere will be 4 or 5 rounds of Swiss depending on player turnout. Lunch break after 2nd round. \nDay 2:\nTop cut and side event\n10:00-10:45 – Side event sign-ups\, to p cut deck checks\n11:00 – Side event: Core Experience\n11:10 – Top cu t\nThe side event will be a Core Experience\, where a single copy of Syste m Core 2019 is the only legal product (no MWL).\nAny questions can be dire cted at or @kollapse on Stimhack Slack.\nTh e event is a sanctioned competitive event\, and players is expected to kno w the game rules as well as the general outline of a tournament. Resources for both can be found at Please note that we will adhere to th e new Organized Play Policies version 1.2.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:



Dates: Saturday the 7th through Sunday the 8th of September\, 2019.\nPlace: Alphaspel\, S parbanksvägen 14 in Stockholm\, Sweden.\nTickets: 250 SE K per ticket. Soft cap of 52.


Reserve your spot < a href=\"\">via PayPal (any) or via Swish (only in Sweden). Be s ure to write your name as well\, so I can keep track of registered players . Tickets are non-refundable.\nTickets can be bought at t he venue on the day of in order of availability. This page will be updated with available tickets.


Day 1:


Swiss rounds\n10:00-10:45 – Sign-ups\n11:00 – Start of Swiss rounds


T here will be 4 or 5 rounds of Swiss depending on player turnout. Lunch bre ak after 2nd round.


Day 2:


Top cut and side even t


10:00-10:45 – Side event sign-ups\, top cut deck chec ks\n11:00 – Side event: Core Experience\n11:10 – Top cut


T he side event will be a Core Experience\, where a single copy of System Co re 2019 is the only legal product (no MWL).


Any questions can be directed at or @kollapse on Stimhack Slack.


The event is a sanctioned c ompetitive event\, and players is expected to know the game rules as well as the general outline of a tournament. Resources for both can be found at Please note that we will adhere to the new Organized Play Policies version 1.2.