BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:2316alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20190727 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20190728 URL: ine SUMMARY:Builder of Crashspaces (Online) CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Progressive deck-building tourney for the extended Louisville m eta\, ran May 26 - July 27\, 2019.\nEveryone had to choose a corp and runn er faction before the tourney started. Each week\, players could build new decks within those factions\, using the legal carpool.\nThe cut was singl e elimination\, best out of three.\nWeek 1: 1x System Core 2019\nWeek 2: 3 x System Core 2019\nWeek 3: add 1 big box\, plus 1 additional card from an other big box\nWeek 4: add Kitara\nWeek 5: add Reign and Reverie + Magnum Opus\nWeek 6: add Downfall\nTop Cut: add 1 additional legal datapack\nStim hack Slack: #louisville @janktivist @Bloomuse\n(Note: We manually imported all players' starting IDs as the basic ID for the factions of each player 's choice in System Core 2019. As the tournament progressed\, these IDs ch anged\, so apologies if what is listed and what links to NRDB is a bit mes sy.)\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
Progressive deck-building tourney for the e xtended Louisville meta\, ran May 26 - July 27\, 2019.
\nEveryone ha d to choose a corp and runner faction before the tourney started. Each wee k\, players could build new decks within those factions\, using the legal carpool.
\nThe cut was single elimination\, best out of three.
\nWeek 1: 1x System Core 2019\nWeek 2: 3x System Core 2019\nWeek 3: add 1 big box\, plus 1 additional card from another big box\nWeek 4: add Kitara \nWeek 5: add Reign and Reverie + Magnum Opus\nWeek 6: add Downfall\nTop C ut: add 1 additional legal datapack
\nStimhack Slack: #louisville @j anktivist @Bloomuse
\n(Note: We manually imported all players' start ing IDs as the basic ID for the factions of each player's choice in System Core 2019. As the tournament progressed\, these IDs changed\, so apologie s if what is listed and what links to NRDB is a bit messy.)