BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:2315alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Amsterdam:20190915T103000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Amsterdam:20190915T235900 URL: pionship LOCATION:Oudegracht aan de Werf 230\, 3511 AL Utrecht\, Netherlands SUMMARY:In De Ruimte - Regional Championship CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Our Dutch Netrunner Regionals will take place on Sunday the 15t h of September In De Ruimte\, gracefully provided by Subcultures\, in the heart of Utrecht. Join us for some scoring and stealing\, running and slam ming\, and bring your best deck or just something fun.\nPracticalities:\n\ n\nRegistration starts at 10\, round 1 starts at 10.30 sharp.\n\n\nThere w ill be 4 or 5 rounds of swiss of 65 minutes\, with a possible top. A short break for lunch will be had after round 2.\n\n\nEntree fee is € 14 if y ou pay beforehand\, € 15 on the day itself (please bring cash). If you w ant to pay beforehand\, wire the money to NL57 INGB 0689 9171 20\, attn Da vid Nys. Don't forget to mention your name.\n\n\nAll decks have to be rota tion and MWL 3.3 compliant. The most recent legal set will be Downfall unl ess stated otherwise.\n\n\nProxies are allowed\, as long as it is immediat ely clear which card it is. Written notes in a sleeve will not be accepted .\n\n\nOutside drinks (except water) aren't allowed. The venue sells vario us drinks. Outside food is fine.\n\n\nDavid Nys will be your TO. If you ha ve any questions\, feel free to email\n\n\nRegional priz e support:\nTop 64: Scrubber alt art card\nTop 32: Adam alt art card\nTop 16: ACME alt art card\nTop 8: The Artist playmat\nTop 4: Az McCaffrey fros ted plastic card\nWinner: NISEI Nationals/Continentals first-round bye\nAd ditional prize support:\nTBA\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Our Dutch Netrunner Regionals will take pla ce on Sunday the 15th of September In De Ruimte\, gracefully provided by S ubcultures\, in the heart of Utrecht. Join us for some scoring and stealin g\, running and slamming\, and bring your best deck or just something fun.




Region al prize support:\nTop 64: Scrubber alt art card\nTop 32: Adam alt art car d\nTop 16: ACME alt art card\nTop 8: The Artist playmat\nTop 4: Az McCaffr ey frosted plastic card\nWinner: NISEI Nationals/Continentals first-round bye


Additional prize support:\nTBA