BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:230alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20170114T110000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20170114T235900 URL: hip SUMMARY:Oxford NOT Store Champtionship CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:(as an aside if you do want to come could you either indicate o n this event page of e-mail me if you want to a ttend. On the door arrival is also fine - just want to get an idea of numb ers!)\nEVENT DETAILS BELOW\nCalling all Netrunner players! But especially YOU\, no not them\, YOU! You\, who have never won a playmat\, who have no store champtionships to your name\, who goes to many a Store Championship but fears that the titans of Netrunner will forever crush you.\nNow is you r time to shine!\nOxford will not have a Store Championship during this St ore Championship season because\, as they say on Facebook\, "\;It's Co mplicated"\;. But\, Oxford will make lemonade with its lemons (or it w ill make wonderful jank with its bad cards\, if you prefer a Netrunner met aphor).\nSo who can attend this netrunner tournament?\nAnyone! I especiall y want to encourage those who have not attended a tournament before to com e along\; I will be encouraging players to consider the event on the more "\;casual"\; level which means that the focus will be on learning\ , sharing &\; enjoyment rather than strict adherence to tournament floo r rules.\nThis tournament will have a special rule to help make things mor e difficult for people who already have a treasure trove of glory at their disposal. The police of New Angeles have noted your proclivity for runnin g and as such YOU are being placed on an extended Most Wanted List.\nTo be more specific\, I am going to apply the following reduction in influence for your runner &\; Corp decks on the following basis:\nFor each occasi on you have won a Mat or an Alt Art ID by placing highly at a tournament y ou must deduct 1 point of influence from the amount of influence that you may spend on each deck. The maximum penalty for this\, however is 4.\nIf y ou have actually won a Store Championship or higher\, I will impose a pena lty of 2 points of influence from the amount of influence you may spend on each deck. The maximum penalty for this is 6 (these penalties are cumulat ive with the above\, but the highest total penalty any player can have is 6).\n//\nFor Example: Dave and Liz are both attending the tournament. Dave has won one mat by placing third at a Store Championship and recently one an Alt Art ID at a GNK\, so he takes a -2 hit to influence on both of his decks. If he chooses to play Custom Biotics and Noise he gets 20 influenc e to spend in Custom Biotics and 13 to spend in Noise. Liz\, however\, has won 2 store championships and won a mat at a regional. She starts with a 5 point influence penalty to her decks. When she chooses to play NEH and K ate (I am starting to see why Liz rather than Dave is the winner more ofte n) she has 12 points to spend on NEH and 10 points to spend on Kate. //\nI will\, however\, consider accepting "\;briibes"\; (or "\;brib es"\; as they are better called) which will come in the form of contri buting to the prize pool. If you have spare alt arts/boxes/mats which you can offer to pass on to other Netrunnererers then your influence penalty c an be reduced (details upon enquiry).\nSo come on down those who have neve r won anything before\, the regular winners will be weaker\, ready for the taking! ! It is tiiime to wiiiin!\nAs this is an event I am funding mysel f\, I will be asking for a variant donation for playing in the tournament. My suggested will be between £3-10 to try and cover the cost of room hir e and the prize support (which I am gradually buying). I am going to leave it up to people to decide on their own entrance fee\; some people who pla y the game are students/unemployed and I wouldn't want to put them off too much\, but equally I am sure at least one of you is a secret billionaire so cough up.\nSo far the prizes should include\nPlaymats:\n2 x Day Job\n1 x Run Amok\n1 x Activist Support\n1 x Leela Patel\nDeckboxes:\n2 x Run Amo k\nAlt Art Cards:\n5 Jackson Howards\n3 Hedge Funds\n1 Ken Tenma\n2 Politi cal Operatives\n10 Plascrete Carapaces\n6 Pop up Windows\n4 Swordsman\n5 I ce Walls\n1 Corroder\n1 Bank Job\nSome tokens!\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

(as an aside if you do want to come could y ou either indicate on this event page of e-mail me guypatching@googlemail. com if you want to attend. On the door arrival is also fine - just want to get an idea of numbers!)




Calling all Netrunner players! But especially YOU\, no not them\, YOU! You\, who have never won a playmat\, who have no store champtionships to your name\, who goes to many a Store Championship but fears that the titans of Netrunner w ill forever crush you.


Now is your time to shine!


Oxford w ill not have a Store Championship during this Store Championship season be cause\, as they say on Facebook\, "\;It's Complicated"\;. But\, Ox ford will make lemonade with its lemons (or it will make wonderful jank wi th its bad cards\, if you prefer a Netrunner metaphor).


So who can attend this netrunner tournament?


Anyone! I especially want to en courage those who have not attended a tournament before to come along\; I will be encouraging players to consider the event on the more "\;casua l"\; level which means that the focus will be on learning\, sharing &a mp\; enjoyment rather than strict adherence to tournament floor rules.


This tournament will have a special rule to help make things more dif ficult for people who already have a treasure trove of glory at their disp osal. The police of New Angeles have noted your proclivity for running and as such YOU are being placed on an extended Most Wanted List.


To be more specific\, I am going to apply the following reduction in influenc e for your runner &\; Corp decks on the following basis:


For ea ch occasion you have won a Mat or an Alt Art ID by placing highly at a tou rnament you must deduct 1 point of influence from the amount of influence that you may spend on each deck. The maximum penalty for this\, however is 4.


If you have actually won a Store Championship or higher\, I wi ll impose a penalty of 2 points of influence from the amount of influence you may spend on each deck. The maximum penalty for this is 6 (these penal ties are cumulative with the above\, but the highest total penalty any pla yer can have is 6).


//\nFor Example: Dave and Liz are both attendi ng the tournament. Dave has won one mat by placing third at a Store Champi onship and recently one an Alt Art ID at a GNK\, so he takes a -2 hit to i nfluence on both of his decks. If he chooses to play Custom Biotics and No ise he gets 20 influence to spend in Custom Biotics and 13 to spend in Noi se. Liz\, however\, has won 2 store championships and won a mat at a regio nal. She starts with a 5 point influence penalty to her decks. When she ch ooses to play NEH and Kate (I am starting to see why Liz rather than Dave is the winner more often) she has 12 points to spend on NEH and 10 points to spend on Kate. //


I will\, however\, consider accepting "\; briibes"\; (or "\;bribes"\; as they are better called) which w ill come in the form of contributing to the prize pool. If you have spare alt arts/boxes/mats which you can offer to pass on to other Netrunnererers then your influence penalty can be reduced (details upon enquiry).

\n< p>So come on down those who have never won anything before\, the regular w inners will be weaker\, ready for the taking! ! It is tiiime to wiiiin!


As this is an event I am funding myself\, I will be asking for a var iant donation for playing in the tournament. My suggested will be between £3-10 to try and cover the cost of room hire and the prize support (which I am gradually buying). I am going to leave it up to people to decide on their own entrance fee\; some people who play the game are students/unempl oyed and I wouldn't want to put them off too much\, but equally I am sure at least one of you is a secret billionaire so cough up.


So far th e prizes should include


Playmats:\n2 x Day Job\n1 x Run Amok\n1 x Activist Support\n1 x Leela Patel


Deckboxes:\n2 x Run Amok


Alt Art Cards:\n5 Jackson Howards\n3 Hedge Funds\n1 Ken Tenma\n2 Politica l Operatives\n10 Plascrete Carapaces\n6 Pop up Windows\n4 Swordsman\n5 Ice Walls\n1 Corroder\n1 Bank Job


Some tokens!