BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:2297alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/Los_Angeles:20191102T103000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/Los_Angeles:20191103T235900 URL: mpionship SUMMARY:United States National Championship CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Tickets on sale now!(click here)\nDay One at STEM Kitchen &\ ; Garden 499 Illinois\nDay Two at Gamescape SF 333 Divisadero\n\nTeam Tour nament 11/1: Details here\nMain event 11/2 : Doors at 9am pairings up at 1 0:30am\, after round two there will be a break for lunch and a small break after round four.\nSide Events 11/2: Side events will begin with the star t of round five one pod each for core experience and eternal.\nAfterparty 11/2: Afterparty at Spark Social SF - tons of food trucks\, drinks and our own fire pit with smores!\nSide Events 11/3: At Gamescape starting at 10: 30am one pod of each core experience and eternal or two of one or both if they do not fire during day one\nMain Event 11/3: Top 8 cut begins after the side events are complete at around 2pm\nStream viewing party 11/3: Lo cated three blocks away at Emporium\nHousing in SF: Take this survey if yo u're interested in getting help finding a place to stay in SF. Great for f inding other players to share a rental with or just getting basic info on where to stay\nClick here for tickets!\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Tickets on sale now!(click here)


Day One at STEM Kitchen &\; Garden 499 Illinois\nDay Tw o at Gamescape SF 333 Divisadero< /a>




Team Tournament 11/1: Details here


Main event 11/2 : Doors at 9am pairi ngs up at 10:30am\, after round two there will be a break for lunch and a small break after round four.


Side Events 11/2: Side events will b egin with the start of round five one pod each for core experience and ete rnal.


Afterparty 11/2: Afterparty at Spark Social SF - tons of food trucks\, drinks and our own fi re pit with smores!


Side Events 11/3: At Gamescape starting at 10: 30am one pod of each core experience and eternal or two of one or both if they do not fire during day one


Main Event 11/3: Top 8 cut begins after the side events are complete at around 2pm


Stream viewing p arty 11/3: Located three blocks away at Emporium


Housing in S F: Take this survey if you're interested in getting help finding a place t o stay in SF. Great for finding other players to share a rental with or ju st getting basic info on where to stay


Click here for tickets!