BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:2289alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Australia/Sydney:20190810T120000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Australia/Sydney:20190810T235900 URL: SUMMARY:Canberra Regionals 2019 CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:We're having a Netrunner Regionals in Canberra on 10 August. Ho pe you can make it!\nVenue\nThe tournament will be held at the corner of D avid and MacPherson streets in O'Connor.\nThree main things to note with t he new venue. Not necessarily in order of importance:\n\nThere will be eno ugh space to swing a PSK\nWe won't be kicked out in the middle of the cut XD\nWe are very close to a pub with reasonable beer and food on offer\n\nT ime\nRegistrations open from 11am. The tournament will start at 12 sharp. In the grand Canberra tradition of not just doing 100% Netrunner\, there w ill be a lunch and refreshment break at the end of round two. Lachlan will no doubt have some excellent games for the break on hand.\nEntry\nTo ente r you will need three things:\n\nA Standard Format legal corp and runner d eck with matching decklists. I'll have printouts there just in case you ha ven't filled one in.\nA $15 entry fee.\nA good attitude. Check the drama a t the door - we're here to play Netrunner and be good to each other.\n\nPr izes\nThere will be a NISEI regionals kit as well as other fan-made/FFG OP /NISEI alts and goodies. As always\, a good chunk of the prize support wil l be spread amongst the un/lucky\, the story tellers\, and the last place holders.\nMiscellaneous\nProxies are legal\, but please make them as close to possible as the real thing. If it's at all obvious that it's a proxy w e'll have a problem to sort out.\nIf you've got any other questions\, just drop them below and if it'll be generally helpful\, I'll add it to the de scription.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

We're having a Netrunner Regionals in Canbe rra on 10 August. Hope you can make it!




The tourna ment will be held at the corner of David and MacPherson streets in O'Conno r.


Three main things to note with the new venue. Not necessarily i n order of importance:

  1. There will be enough space to swing a PSK
  2. \n
  3. We won't be kicked out in the middle of the cut XD
  4. \n< li>We are very close to a pub with reasonable beer and food on offer\ n



Registrations open from 11am. The tournament wil l start at 12 sharp. In the grand Canberra tradition of not just doing 100 % Netrunner\, there will be a lunch and refreshment break at the end of ro und two. Lachlan will no doubt have some excellent games for the break on hand.




To enter you will need three things:

  • A Standard Format legal corp and runner deck with matching decklis ts. I'll have printouts there just in case you haven't filled one in.
  • \n
  • A $15 entry fee.
  • \n
  • A good attitude. Check the drama at the d oor - we're here to play Netrunner and be good to each other.
  • \n\ n



    There will be a NISEI regionals kit as well as other fan-made/FFG OP/NISEI alts and goodies. As always\, a good chunk of the pr ize support will be spread amongst the un/lucky\, the story tellers\, and the last place holders.




    Proxies are legal\ , but please make them as close to possible as the real thing. If it's at all obvious that it's a proxy we'll have a problem to sort out.


    If you've got any other questions\, just drop them below and if it'll be gen erally helpful\, I'll add it to the description.