BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:2283alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Zurich:20191117T104500 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Zurich:20191117T235900 URL: 2019 LOCATION:Rathausgasse 52\, 3011 Bern\, Switzerland SUMMARY:DracheNäscht Winterturnier 2019 CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:DracheNäscht Winterturnier\nWhen you sign up to this tournamen t\, we will send you a random Runner-ID and a random Corp-ID. This will be the IDs you have to play at this tournament. No ID will be draw twice for a maximum diversity. You can Mulligan once If you are completely unsatisf ied with what you end up with.\nPlease send an e-mail here: c-moon/at/gmx. ch\nID's of all players will be on display here\, 2 weeks before the event starts on the 3rd of November.\nCheck-in Time:\n10:15 am - 10:45 am\, ple ase be there in time\nStaring Time: 10:45 am\nFormat: Random ID Tournament \, Swiss format without cut\, 4 rounds.\nCard pool: Standard\, up to Upris ing Booster\nDecklist: not required\nNeeded equipment: 1 Runner &\; 1 C orp Deck\, both sleeved\, tokens\, starting fee\nTournament rules: Standar d Nisei!\nEntry fee: 15.- CHF / 15.- EURO.\nPrize support: Special Sur-pri ce-pool (top secret \;-) and Alt-Arts from Worlds\nNumber of players: no r estriction\nRegistered Players and ID's:\nconfirmed:\nasphalt17: Apex: Inv asive Predator / Gagarin Deep Space: Expanding the Horizon\nangelina: Sunn y Lebeau: Security Specialist / Saraswati Mnemonics: Endless Exploration\n b3ar: Khan: Savvy Skiptracer / NEXT Design: Guarding the Net\nChiphead404: Omar Keung: Conspiracy Theorist / Nisei Division: The Next Generation\nHi hachu: Ken "\;Express"\; Tenma: Disappeared Clone / Weyland Consor tium: Building a Better World\nlukenukem: Los: Data Hijacker / Spark Agenc y: Worldswide Reach\nmet4: Quetzal: Free Spirit / Jemison Astronautics: Sa crifice. Audacity. Success.\nmrteatime: Rielle "\;Kit"\; Peddler: Transhuman / SYNC: Everything\, Everywhere\nOggbonaion: Reina Roja: Freedo m Fighter / Tennin Institute: The Secrets Within\nOtoconia: Exile: Streeth awk / Weyland Consortium: Builder of Nations\nPlanet 9: Akiko Nisei: Head Case / MirrorMorph: Endless Iteration\nqris: The Professor: Keeper of Know ledge / New Angeles Sol: Your News\ntakai: Null: Whistleblower / Custom Bi otics: Engineered for Success\nVarnishingJam: Silhouette: Stealth Operativ e / Seidr Laboratories: Destiny Defined\nVesper: Chaos Theory: Wünderkind / The Foundry: Refining the Proces\nCardpool:\nBanned ID's are: Top 16 at Worlds\, played more then 2-5% at Worlds\, rotated.\nThe runner card “R ebirth” is banned for this tournament.\nThe runner card “DJ-Fenris” is legal for this tournament\, but can only host not banned Mods\nLegal ru nners:\nAkiko Nisei: Head Case\nApex: Invasive Predator\nArmand "\;Gei st"\; Walker: Tech Lord\nAz McCaffrey: Mechanical Prodigy\nChaos Theor y: Wünderkind\nExile: Streethawk\nGabriel Santiago: Consummate Profession al\nIain Stirling: Retired Spook\nKen "\;Express"\; Tenma: Disappe ared Clone\nKhan: Savvy Skiptracer\nLaramy Fisk: Savvy Investor\nLat: Ethi cal Freelancer\nLos: Data Hijacker\nNasir Meidan: Cyber Explorer\nNathanie l "\;Gnat"\; Hall: One-of-a-Kind\nNero Severn: Information Broker\ nNull: Whistleblower\nOmar Keung: Conspiracy Theorist\nQuetzal: Free Spiri t\nReina Roja: Freedom Fighter\nRielle "\;Kit"\; Peddler: Transhum an\nSilhouette: Stealth Operative\nSunny Lebeau: Security Specialist\nThe Professor: Keeper of Knowledge\nLegal corporations:\nChronos Protocol: Sel ective Mind-mapping\nCustom Biotics: Engineered for Success\nCybernetics D ivision: Humanity Upgraded\nGagarin Deep Space: Expanding the Horizon\nHaa rpsichord Studios: Entertainment Unleashed\nHaas-Bioroid: Architects of To morrow\nHarishchandra Ent.: Where You're the Star\nHarmony Medtech: Biomed ical Pioneer\nHyoubu Institute: Absolute Clarity\nJemison Astronautics: Sa crifice. Audacity. Success.\nMirrorMorph: Endless Iteration\nNBN: Making N ews\nNew Angeles Sol: Your News\nNEXT Design: Guarding the Net\nNisei Divi sion: The Next Generation\nSaraswati Mnemonics: Endless Exploration\nSeidr Laboratories: Destiny Defined\nSpark Agency: Worldswide Reach\nSYNC: Ever ything\, Everywhere\nTennin Institute: The Secrets Within\nThe Foundry: Re fining the Process\nWeyland Consortium: Builder of Nations\nWeyland Consor tium: Building a Better World\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

DracheNäscht Winterturnier


When you sign up to this tournament\, we will send you a random Runner-ID and a random Corp-ID. This will be the IDs you have to play at this tournament. No ID will be draw twice for a maximum diversity. You can Mulligan once I f you are completely unsatisfied with what you end up with.


Please send an e-mail here: c-moon/at/\nID's of all players will be on dis play here\, 2 weeks before the event starts on the 3rd of November.

\n< p>Check-in Time:\n10:15 am - 10:45 am\, please be there in time


Staring Time: 10:45 am\nF ormat: Random ID Tournament\, Swiss format without cut\, 4 rounds .\nCard pool: Standard\, up to Uprising Booster\n Decklist: not required\nNeeded equipment: 1 Runn er &\; 1 Corp Deck\, both sleeved\, tokens\, starting fee\nTour nament rules: Standard Nisei!\nEntry fee: 15.- C HF / 15.- EURO.\nPrize support: Special Sur-price-pool (t op secret \;-) and Alt-Arts from Worlds\nNumber of players: no restriction


Registered Players and ID's:


\nasphalt17: Apex: In vasive Predator / Gagarin Deep Space: Expanding the Horizon\nangel ina: Sunny Lebeau: Security Specialist / Saraswati Mnemonics: End less Exploration\nb3ar: Khan: Savvy Skiptracer / NEXT Des ign: Guarding the Net\nChiphead404: Omar Keung: Conspirac y Theorist / Nisei Division: The Next Generation\nHihachu : Ken "\;Express"\; Tenma: Disappeared Clone / Weyland Consortium: Building a Better World\nlukenukem: Los: Data Hijacker / Spark Agency: Worldswide Reach\nmet4: Quetzal: Free Spir it / Jemison Astronautics: Sacrifice. Audacity. Success.\nmrteatim e: Rielle "\;Kit"\; Peddler: Transhuman / SYNC: Everythin g\, Everywhere\nOggbonaion: Reina Roja: Freedom Fighter / Tennin Institute: The Secrets Within\nOtoconia: Exile: S treethawk / Weyland Consortium: Builder of Nations\nPlanet 9: Akiko Nisei: Head Case / MirrorMorph: Endless Iteration\nqris : The Professor: Keeper of Knowledge / New Angeles Sol: Your News \ntakai: Null: Whistleblower / Custom Biotics: Engineered for Success\nVarnishingJam: Silhouette: Stealth Operativ e / Seidr Laboratories: Destiny Defined\nVesper: Chaos Th eory: Wünderkind / The Foundry: Refining the Proces


Car dpool:


Banned ID's are: Top 16 at Worlds\, played more then 2-5% at Worlds\, rotated.\nThe runner card “Rebirth” is banned f or this tournament.\nThe runner card “DJ-Fenris” is legal for this tou rnament\, but can only host not banned Mods


Legal runner s:\nAkiko Nisei: Head Case\nApex: Invasive Predator\nArmand &q uot\;Geist"\; Walker: Tech Lord\nAz McCaffrey: Mechanical Prodigy\nCha os Theory: Wünderkind\nExile: Streethawk\nGabriel Santiago: Consummate Pr ofessional\nIain Stirling: Retired Spook\nKen "\;Express"\; Tenma: Disappeared Clone\nKhan: Savvy Skiptracer\nLaramy Fisk: Savvy Investor\nL at: Ethical Freelancer\nLos: Data Hijacker\nNasir Meidan: Cyber Explorer\n Nathaniel "\;Gnat"\; Hall: One-of-a-Kind\nNero Severn: Information Broker\nNull: Whistleblower\nOmar Keung: Conspiracy Theorist\nQuetzal: Fr ee Spirit\nReina Roja: Freedom Fighter\nRielle "\;Kit"\; Peddler: Transhuman\nSilhouette: Stealth Operative\nSunny Lebeau: Security Speciali st\nThe Professor: Keeper of Knowledge


Legal corporation s:\nChronos Protocol: Selective Mind-mapping\nCustom Biotics: Engineered for Success\nCybernetics Division: Humanity Upgraded\nGagarin D eep Space: Expanding the Horizon\nHaarpsichord Studios: Entertainment Unle ashed\nHaas-Bioroid: Architects of Tomorrow\nHarishchandra Ent.: Where You 're the Star\nHarmony Medtech: Biomedical Pioneer\nHyoubu Institute: Absol ute Clarity\nJemison Astronautics: Sacrifice. Audacity. Success.\nMirrorMo rph: Endless Iteration\nNBN: Making News\nNew Angeles Sol: Your News\nNEXT Design: Guarding the Net\nNisei Division: The Next Generation\nSaraswati Mnemonics: Endless Exploration\nSeidr Laboratories: Destiny Defined\nSpark Agency: Worldswide Reach\nSYNC: Everything\, Everywhere\nTennin Institute : The Secrets Within\nThe Foundry: Refining the Process\nWeyland Consortiu m: Builder of Nations\nWeyland Consortium: Building a Better World