BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:2281alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Amsterdam:20190908T094500 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Amsterdam:20190908T235900 URL: p-enschede LOCATION:Hoge Bothofstraat 39j\, 7511 ZA Enschede\, Netherlands SUMMARY:Nisei Regional Championship @ Enschede CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Sunday\, the 8th of September\, I will be hosting a Netrunner N isei REGIONAL Championship at The Performance Factory at Enschede. Please register via the TO’s e-mail address ( or via htt ps:// mn-leaves\n↳ Doors: 9.30 (until 18.00)\n↳ Start: 9.45\n↳ Fee: € 15 \,-\n↳ Food: you may bring your own or buy at The Foodhall\n↳ TO: Denn is de Vries / Menghini\n↳ Max: 24-ish\nFor questions or registration\, f eel free to contact the TO on e-mailaddress:\nRules :\n↳ Decklists are required\, please bring a written/printed list (1 Run ner\, 1 Corp)\n↳ Legal: Downfall\n↳ MWL: 3.3\n↳ Please make no mess at the venue!\nLoot:\n↳ Number 1: First Round Bye at a Nisei Nationals o r Continental\n↳ Top 4: 1 Frosted Plastic Az\n↳ Top 8: The Artist Play mat\n↳ Top 16: 1x alt art ACME\n↳ Top 32: 1x alt art Adam\n↳ Top 64: 1x alt art Scrubber\n↳ Top ?: a beautiful alt art MaxX by Noah Hirka\n ↳ 1st Adam\, 1st Sunny and 1st Apex will receive their respective keycha in made by Aurbits\n↳ For each participant to choose at least 1 from the Table of Loot\nOther:\nRounds: We will play 3-4 rounds of Swiss (dependin g on attendance)\, 65 minutes rounds\, and if it’s necessary followed by a Top Cut.\nProxies: proxies are allowed\, as long as the proxies are sle eved and readable (printed) and have about the same thickness as the offic ial cards.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Sunday\, the 8th of September\, I will be h osting a Netrunner Nisei REGIONAL Championship at The Performance Factory at Enschede. Please register via the TO’s e-mail address (ddevries82@hot or via al-championship-autumn-leaves


↳ Doors: 9.30 (until 18.00)\n↳ S tart: 9.45\n↳ Fee: € 15\,-\n↳ Food: you may bring your own or buy at The Foodhall\n↳ TO: Dennis de Vries / Menghini\n↳ Max: 24-ish


For questions or registration\, feel free to contact the TO on e-mailaddr ess:




↳ Decklists are req uired\, please bring a written/printed list (1 Runner\, 1 Corp)\n↳ Legal : Downfall\n↳ MWL: 3.3\n↳ Please make no mess at the venue!


L oot:


↳ Number 1: First Round Bye at a Nisei Nationals or Contin ental\n↳ Top 4: 1 Frosted Plastic Az\n↳ Top 8: The Artist Playmat\n↳ Top 16: 1x alt art ACME\n↳ Top 32: 1x alt art Adam\n↳ Top 64: 1x alt art Scrubber\n↳ Top ?: a beautiful alt art MaxX by Noah Hirka


↳ 1st Adam\, 1st Sunny and 1st Apex will receive their respective keycha in made by Aurbits


↳ For each participant to choose at least 1 f rom the Table of Loot




Rounds: We will play 3-4 ro unds of Swiss (depending on attendance)\, 65 minutes rounds\, and if it’ s necessary followed by a Top Cut.


Proxies: proxies are allowed\, as long as the proxies are sleeved and readable (printed) and have about t he same thickness as the official cards.