BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:2271alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20190907 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20190908 URL: LOCATION:Jubilee Business Park\, 3 Jubilee Pkwy\, Stores Rd\, Derby DE21 4B J\, UK SUMMARY:Derby Regional CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Welcome to our Netrunner regional!\n=========================== ==========================\nDoors open : 10:00 am\nRegistration starts : 1 0:30 am\nRegistration Ends : 10:55\nRound one starts : 11:00 am\n========= ============================================\nFormat: Nisei standard - the latest cardpool and MWL can be found here ormats\nRound time: 65 minute swiss rounds\, 40 minute double-elimination rounds\nDecklists: required (competitive level event)\nProxies: Printed pr oxies and alt arts are allowed as long as they are legible\, approved by t he TO before the event begins\, in good taste\, and indistinguishable from other cards when sleeved.\nStructure:\nUp to 8 players - 3 rounds\, no cu t\n9-24 players - 4 rounds\, top 4\n25-32 players - 4 rounds\, top 8\n33-5 6 players - 5 rounds\, top 8\n============================================ =========\nPrize support:\nThe top 64 players can fondly remember departed runner Whizzard with an alternate art Scrubber featuring a few nods to th e classic Dumblefork deck.\nThe top 32 players will each receive an altern ate art Adam\, depicting everyone’s favourite rogue bioroid getting a bi t of fresh air.\nMaking it to the top 16 will let you tag your opponent mu ch more easily with an alternate art Acme Consulting.\nThe top 8 players w ill each receive a beautiful Kate “Mac” McCaffrey playmat with the art work from the card The Artist.\nThe top 4 players will each get a rare tre at - a frosted plastic version of the Az McCaffrey ID.\nThe winner will no t only receive the title of Derby regional champion but will also obtain a bye to be used at a national or continental championship later in the yea r.\nFood included in the price of the ticket.\nPlease let us know if you h ave any dietary requirements on the day.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
Welcome to our Netrunner regional!
\nDoors open : 10:00 am\nRegistration starts : 10:30 am\nRegistration Ends : 10:55\nRoun d one starts : 11:00 am
\n========================================== ===========
\nFormat: Nisei standard - the latest cardpool and MWL c an be found here\nRound time: 65 min ute swiss rounds\, 40 minute double-elimination rounds\nDecklists: require d (competitive level event)\nProxies: Printed proxies and alt arts are all owed as long as they are legible\, approved by the TO before the event beg ins\, in good taste\, and indistinguishable from other cards when sleeved.
\nStructure:\nUp to 8 players - 3 rounds\, no cut\n9-24 players - 4 rounds\, top 4\n25-32 players - 4 rounds\, top 8\n33-56 players - 5 round s\, top 8
\nPrize support:
\nThe top 64 players can fondly remember depart ed runner Whizzard with an alternate art Scrubber featuring a few nods to the classic Dumblefork deck.
\nThe top 32 players will each receive an alternate art Adam\, depicting everyone’s favourite rogue bioroid get ting a bit of fresh air.
\nMaking it to the top 16 will let you tag your opponent much more easily with an alternate art Acme Consulting.
\ nThe top 8 players will each receive a beautiful Kate “Mac” McCaffr ey playmat with the artwork from the card The Artist.
\nThe top 4 pl ayers will each get a rare treat - a frosted plastic version of the Az McC affrey ID.
\nThe winner will not only receive the title of Derby reg ional champion but will also obtain a bye to be used at a national or cont inental championship later in the year.
\nFood included in the price of the ticket.
\nPlease let us know if you have any dietary require ments on the day.