BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:2267alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Asia/Tokyo:20190721T123000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Asia/Tokyo:20190721T235900 URL: urnament LOCATION:3-chōme-8-23 Nipponbashi\, Naniwa-ku\, Ōsaka-shi\, Ōsaka-fu 556 -0005\, Japan SUMMARY:Netrunner Kansai - Casual Tournament CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Date - July 21st\nTime - 12:00 (est. start and finish times\, 1 2:30-16:30)\nThree 65 minute rounds\nFee - 600 yen (possibly less if enoug h people show)\nPlace - Yellow Submarine Namba Main Store 2F\nCapacity - 1 2 seats available\nSome local Netrunner players / JIGG members looking to Play some Netrunner games. Format is "\;Core Experience"\; using a single 2019 System Core. Proxies are OK if needed.\nYou must make one Run ner and one Corp deck using cards listed on the 2019 System Core card list . Link to the list here:\nAlso view the event on Meetup:\nDate - July 21st\nTime - 12:00 (est. start and finish times\, 12 :30-16:30)\nThree 65 minute rounds\nFee - 600 yen (possibly less if enough people show)\nPlace - Yellow Submarine Namba Main Store 2F\nCapacity - 12 seats available\nSome local Netrunner players / JIGG members looking to P lay some Netrunner games.\nFormat is "\;Core Experience"\; using a single 2019 System Core. Proxies are OK if needed.\nYou must make one Run ner and one Corp deck using cards listed on the 2019 System Core card list . Link to the list here:\nFor information about Netrunner formats check here:\n\nFor more information about the location check here:\nhttp://www.yellowsubmarin\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Date - July 21st\nTime - 12:00 (est. start and finish times\, 12:30-16:30)\nThree 65 minute rounds\nFee - 600 yen (po ssibly less if enough people show)\nPlace - Yellow Submarine Namba Main St ore 2F\nCapacity - 12 seats available


Some local Netrunner players / JIGG members looking to Play some Netrunner games. Format is "\;Cor e Experience"\; using a single 2019 System Core. Proxies are OK if nee ded.


You must make one Runner and one Corp deck using cards listed on the 2019 System Core card list. Link to the list here: 019ANRcore


Also view the event on Meetup:\nDate - July 21st\nTime - 12:00 (est. start and finish times\, 12:30-16:30)\nThree 65 minute round s\nFee - 600 yen (possibly less if enough people show)\nPlace - Yellow Sub marine Namba Main Store 2F\nCapacity - 12 seats available


Some loc al Netrunner players / JIGG members looking to Play some Netrunner games.< /p>\n

Format is "\;Core Experience"\; using a single 2019 System Core. Proxies are OK if needed.


You must make one Runner and one Corp deck using cards listed on the 2019 System Core card list. Link to th e list here:


For information about Netru nner formats check here:\n


Fo r more information about the location check here:\nhttp://www.yellowsubmar