BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:2265alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/Indiana/Indianapolis:20190802T093000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/Indiana/Indianapolis:20190803T235900 URL: inental-championships SUMMARY:GenCon North American Continental Championships CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:\nEvery player will receive 3x Sure Gamble as a participation p rize. Place in the top half on Day 1 to earn 3x IP Block. Top players will advance to Day 2 and win 3x SSL Endorsement via a standings-based cut - u p to 64 players\, depending on attendance. Top 32 will be receiving Plasti c RP &\; 419. Survive until the Top 16 and win a Climactic Showdown Pla ymat and some side event prizes.\nJust like at the World Championships\, t he winning player at each of these events will earn the Greatest Prize in Gaming - the chance to work with the design team on a unique card featurin g their likeness\, to be printed in a future NISEI expansion\, as well as a first-round bye at the World Championships and the title of Continental Champion!\nTickets on sale at:\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
Every player will rec eive 3x Sure Gamble as a participation prize. Place in the top half on Day 1 to earn 3x IP Block. Top players will advance to Day 2 and win 3x SSL E ndorsement via a standings-based cut - up to 64 players\, depending on att endance. Top 32 will be receiving Plastic RP &\; 419. Survive until the Top 16 and win a Climactic Showdown Playmat and some side event prizes. p>\n
Just like at the World Championships\, the winning player at each o f these events will earn the Greatest Prize in Gaming - the chance to work with the design team on a unique card featuring their likeness\, to be pr inted in a future NISEI expansion\, as well as a first-round bye at the Wo rld Championships and the title of Continental Champion!
\nTickets o n sale at: