BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:2262alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Warsaw:20190727T110000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Warsaw:20190727T235900 URL: p-2019 LOCATION:Rybaki 22\, 61-884 Poznań\, Poland SUMMARY:Poznań Regional Championship 2019 CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:NISEI's Regional Championships in Poznań.\nEveryone is welcome ! Let's have a great event!\n\nWhen:\n27.07.2019 (Saturday)\, 11:00\nWhere :\nBoard Game Rental GOSU\, Rybaki 22 113\, 61-884 Poznań\, Polska\nhttp: //\nThe venue is quite close to the city center / ma in square\, also relatively close (walking distance\, about 15 min) to the train station. Closest tram stop is Półwiejska.\nWatch out\, the entran ce (going downstairs) is small and somewhat easy to miss. Parking spot mig ht be a bit tough to find in near (but nothing to worry about).\nValid car dpool:\nUp to Ashes/Downfall.\nRules:\nNISEI's Standard format.\nNISEI's C ompetitive\, Sanctioned\nNISEI's Comprehensive Rules 1.1\nMWL 3.3\nDeck lists required (printed or sent up front via email)\nPrinted proxies are a llowed after TO's inspection\nSeat limit:\n20\nRound time:\n65 mins\nEntry :\n70 PLN / 17 EUR\nSecure your spot by paying by Paypal to sebastian.zarz\n(put ANR Regio in the title\, as well as your nickname).\n Contact me for other forms of money transfer.\nPaying at the site on the d ay of the event possible\, although discouraged.\nTournament Organizer and Head Judge\nSebastian Zarzycki\nLanguage\nPL\, EN\nSchedule:\nSaturday (1 0:30 -11:00) - registration\nSaturday (11:00) - 5 Swiss rounds\, then top 4 cut (double-elimination)\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
Everyone is welcome! Let's have a great event!
\n27.07.2019 (Saturday)\, 11:00
\nBoar d Game Rental GOSU\, Rybaki 22 113\, 61-884 Poznań\, Polska\n
\nTh e venue is quite close to the city center / main square\, also relatively close (walking distance\, about 15 min) to the train station. Closest tram stop is Półwiejska.\nWatch out\, the entrance (going downstairs) is sma ll and somewhat easy to miss. Parking spot might be a bit tough to find in near (but nothing to worry about).
\nUp t o Ashes/Downfall.
\nNISEI's Standard format.\nNISEI 's Competitive\, Sanctioned\nNISEI's Comprehensive Rules 1.1\nMWL 3.3\n Decklists required (printed or sent up front via email)\nPrinted proxies a re allowed after TO's inspection
\n65 mins
\n70 PLN / 17 EUR
\nSecure your spot by paying by Paypal to sebastian.zarzycki@gm\n(put ANR Regio in the title\, as well as your nickname). \nContact me for other forms of money transfer.\nPaying at the site on the day of the event possible\, although discouraged.
\nSebastian Zarzycki
\nPL\, EN
\nSaturday (10:30 -11:00) - registrat ion\nSaturday (11:00) - 5 Swiss rounds\, then top 4 cut (double-eliminatio n)