BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:2259alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20190901T120000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20190901T235900 URL: LOCATION:36-42 Union St\, Sheffield S1 2JP\, UK SUMMARY:Sheffield Q2 Netrunner GNK CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Come and enjoy a casual NISEI GNK event in a relaxed atmosphere ! We’ll be using the Q2 GNK kit for prizes and this level of event is pe rfect for new players and lapsed players looking to jump back in as well a s tournament regulars.\n================================================== ===\nDate: Sunday\, 1st September 2019\nDoors open: 10:00 am\nRegistration starts: 11:30 am\nRegistration Ends : 11:55 am\nRound one starts: 12:00 ( midday)\nEntry cost: £5\n================================================ =====\nFormat: Nisei standard\nRound time: 65 minute swiss rounds\nDecklis ts: not required\nProxies: Printed proxies and alt arts are allowed as lon g as they are legible\, approved by the TO before the event begins\, in go od taste\, and indistinguishable from other cards when sleeved\nStructure: \nUp to 8 players - 3 rounds\, no cut\n9-16 players - 4 rounds\, no cut\n= ====================================================\nPrize support:\nThe top 16 players will each be rolling in credits with an alternate art IPO\n The top 3 can bypass any troublesome ice with Sunny’s own Security Nexus alternate art\nThe winner will receive their choice of playmat (Rezeki\, 2x Always Have a Backup Plan\, The Artist) with the remainder of the top 4 also getting a playmat\nAll participants will also get to select a bonus prize from Paul’s box of wonders\, including playsets of official and fa n-made alternate art cards\, IDs and click trackers.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Come and enjoy a casual NISEI GNK event in a relaxed atmosphere! We’ll be using the Q2 GNK kit for prizes and this level of event is perfect for new players and lapsed players looking to ju mp back in as well as tournament regulars.


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Date: Sunday\, 1st September 2019\n Doors open: 10:00 am\nRegistration starts: 11:30 am\nRegistration Ends : 1 1:55 am\nRound one starts: 12:00 (midday)\nEntry cost: £5


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Format: Nisei stand ard\nRound time: 65 minute swiss rounds\nDecklists: not required\nProxies: Printed proxies and alt arts are allowed as long as they are legible\, ap proved by the TO before the event begins\, in good taste\, and indistingui shable from other cards when sleeved


Structure:\nUp to 8 players - 3 rounds\, no cut\n9-16 players - 4 rounds\, no cut


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Prize support:


Th e top 16 players will each be rolling in credits with an alternate art IPO


The top 3 can bypass any troublesome ice with Sunny’s own Secur ity Nexus alternate art


The winner will receive their choice of pl aymat (Rezeki\, 2x Always Have a Backup Plan\, The Artist) with the remain der of the top 4 also getting a playmat


All participants will also get to select a bonus prize from Paul’s box of wonders\, including play sets of official and fan-made alternate art cards\, IDs and click trackers .