BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:2255alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Stockholm:20190727T113000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Stockholm:20190727T235900 URL: alm-sweden LOCATION:Djäknegatan 2A\, 211 34 Malmö\, Sweden SUMMARY:Netrunner Regionals 2019\, Malmö\, Sweden CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:WHAT\nWe're continuing this year's competitive season with our Regional Championships. Nisei standard format\, NOTE THAT THE NEW MWL 3.3 WILL BE IN EFFECT.\nWHEN\nSaturday July 27th. Registration open from 11.00 to 11.30. Tournament start at 11.30.\nWHERE\nPlayoteket\, Malmö\, Djäkn egatan 2A\nENTRY FEE\n150 SEK\nPRIZES\n2019 Regional Championship kit:\n\n Winner: A bye to a National or Continental championship of their choice\nT op 4: Frosted plastic Az McCaffrey: Mechanical Prodigy\nTop 8: The Artist playmat\nTop 16: Alt-art ACME Consulting: The Truth You Need\nParticipatio n: Alt-art Adam: Compulsive Hacker\nParticipation: Alt-art Scrubber\n\nAdd itional prizes will be available.\nFORMAT\nNisei standard format\, MWL 3.2 OR MWL 3.3 (Depending on the release date for the new MWL). See here for further information:\nDECKLISTS\nReq uired\, can be sent to Put your name in the tit le and be sure to mark out cards on MWL and influence costs (automatic on netrunnerdb if you chose the latest MWL under "\;legality"\;).\nRU LES\nAll of the latest versions of Nisei's rules documents and policies ca n be found here:\nPROXIES\nProxies are allow ed and need to be approved by tournament staff before play starts. See the proxy policy in the organized play rules linked below for details.\nUNOFF ICIAL ALT-ARTS\nSee the alt-art policy in the organized play rules. Note t hat unofficial alt-arts need to be approved by tournament staff before pla y starts and that you need to bring copies (or proxies) of official cards to be used at the request of your opponent(s).\nTOURNAMENT STRUCTURE\nSwis s rounds and top cut depending on the number of participants and the numbe r of SC byes used. Most likely there will be 4 rounds of swiss followed by a top 4 cut. Swiss rounds 65 minutes each. Lunch break after two rounds.\ nORGANIZER AND JUDGE\nChristian Vestergaard\nWelcome!\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

WHAT\nWe're continuing this year's competit ive season with our Regional Championships. Nisei standard format\, NOTE T HAT THE NEW MWL 3.3 WILL BE IN EFFECT.


WHEN\nSaturday July 27th. R egistration open from 11.00 to 11.30. Tournament start at 11.30.


W HERE\nPlayoteket\, Malmö\, Djäknegatan 2A




PRIZES\n2019 Regional Championship kit:


Additional prizes will be availab le.


FORMAT\nNisei standard format\, MWL 3.2 OR MWL 3.3 (Depending on the release date for the new MWL). See here for further information: ht tp://


DECKLISTS\nRequired\, can be s ent to Put your name in the title and be sure t o mark out cards on MWL and influence costs (automatic on netrunnerdb if y ou chose the latest MWL under "\;legality"\;).


RULES\nAll of the latest versions of Nisei's rules documents and policies can be foun d here:


PROXIES\nProxies are allowed and need to be approved by tournament staff before play starts. See the p roxy policy in the organized play rules linked below for details.


UNOFFICIAL ALT-ARTS\nSee the alt-art policy in the organized play rules. N ote that unofficial alt-arts need to be approved by tournament staff befor e play starts and that you need to bring copies (or proxies) of official c ards to be used at the request of your opponent(s).


TOURNAMENT STR UCTURE\nSwiss rounds and top cut depending on the number of participants a nd the number of SC byes used. Most likely there will be 4 rounds of swiss followed by a top 4 cut. Swiss rounds 65 minutes each. Lunch break after two rounds.


ORGANIZER AND JUDGE\nChristian Vestergaard


Wel come!