BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:2251alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/Los_Angeles:20190629T120000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/Los_Angeles:20190629T235900 URL: rnament-seattle-wa LOCATION:5105 Leary Ave NW\, Seattle\, WA 98107\, USA SUMMARY:Emerald City Grid Team Tournament - Seattle\, WA CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:UPDATE If you want to participate but aren't able to find a tea m\, bring whatever two decks you'd like! You will be paired off as best as possible and the faction-restriction will waived if necessary! We just wa nt to have fun with you running the nets!\nGet ready Netrunners! I'm proud to announce that Mox Boarding House in Ballard is hosting a Netrunner Tea m Tournament on June 29th at 11 AM! The entry fee is $10 per participant a nd we are requiring teams of 3! Each team may not use any faction more tha n once.\nThe remainder of the rules we're following are available on this google form:\nThere is pre-registratio n available through Mox Ballard (though the prize listing on their page is incorrect): ar#\nYou will still be able to register on the day of the event!\nRegister ing on the google doc will show interest and help us further sculpt the pr ize pool.\nGood luck and happy running!\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

UPDATE If you want to part icipate but aren't able to find a team\, bring whatever two decks you'd li ke! You will be paired off as best as possible and the faction-restriction will waived if necessary! We just want to have fun with you running the n ets!


Get ready Netrunners! I'm proud to announce that Mox Boarding House in Ballard is hosting a Netrunner Team Tournament on June 29th at 1 1 AM! The entry fee is $10 per participant and we are requiring teams of 3 ! Each team may not use any faction more than once.


The remainder of the rules we're following are available on this google form: https://fo


There is pre-registration available thro ugh Mox Ballard (though the prize listing on their page is incorrect): htt ps://


You will still be able to register on the day of the event!


Registerin g on the google doc will show interest and help us further sculpt the priz e pool.


Good luck and happy running!