BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:2229alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Copenhagen:20190817T103000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Copenhagen:20190817T235900 URL: LOCATION:Åbogade 15\, 8200 Aarhus\, Denmark SUMMARY:Regionals\, Denmark CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:NISEI Netrunner regionals DENMARK 2019\nFormat:\nNISEI standard (see\nStructure:\nSwiss rounds and top cut depending on the number of participants. Swiss rounds 65 minutes each.\nEntry fee:\n100 DKK or €14\nLocation:\nINCUBA\, Åbogade 15\, 820 0 Århus N\nSMS +4541723319 for entry as the doors are locked\nPrizes:\nNI SEI regional kit (see\nAdditional prize support as soon as we get enough participants to pay for the kit \;- )\nOrganized play rules:\n df\nThat means proxies are legal\, but cards have to be sleeved!\nMWL 3.2 or later\nNISEI comprehensive rules:\n _Rules.pdf\nWe may be able to arrange sleeping quarters for the people who travel from abroad. Ask TO for details \;-)\nFor those who are interested \, we will go grab drinks and food downtown after the finals!\nIf this is your first Netrunner event\, please don't hesitate to sign up! The games a re played in a friendly and welcoming atmosphere with room for everybody : -)\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

NISEI Netrunner regionals DENMARK 2019

\ n

Format:\nNISEI standard (see


Structure:\nSwiss rounds and top cut depending on the number of part icipants. Swiss rounds 65 minutes each.


Entry fee:\n100 DKK or € 14


Location:\nINCUBA\, Åbogade 15\, 8200 Århus N\nSMS +454172331 9 for entry as the doors are locked


Prizes:\nNISEI regional kit (s ee\nAdditional prize support as so on as we get enough participants to pay for the kit \;-)


Organized play rules:\n\nThat mea ns proxies are legal\, but cards have to be sleeved!\nMWL 3.2 or later


NISEI comprehensive rules:\n s.pdf


We may be able to arrange sleeping quarters for the people w ho travel from abroad. Ask TO for details \;-)


For those who are i nterested\, we will go grab drinks and food downtown after the finals!


If this is your first Netrunner event\, please don't hesitate to sign up! The games are played in a friendly and welcoming atmosphere with room for everybody :-)