BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:2217alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Brussels:20190609T110000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Brussels:20190609T235900 URL: LOCATION:Beggaardenstraat 6\, 2000 Antwerpen\, Belgium SUMMARY:Antwerp Regional 2019 CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:\nLadies and gents\, the first Regional is on the board for Bel gium. Most of you know the drill but I'll break it down:\n\nEntry fee is €15\, not at the bar but directly to the TO.\nTO is Cluster Fox\, Marsha l is Ryanbantwins.\nDecklists are mandatory.\nMWL 3.2 is in effect. See be low for the link.\nCards must be in opaque sleeves\, if you do not have th em they are available for purchase on site.\nYou are allowed to bring in y our own food\, but drinks must be purchased at the venue.\nWe will be play ing at least five rounds of swiss.\nWe will be doing a Top 4 cut\, maybe a top 8 depending on player turnout.\nRegistration will start at 10:30\, I would like to start Round 1 at 11:00.\nAfter the first two rounds\, there will be a break for lunch.\nParticipation will be awarded after Swiss\, fe el free to stick around and watch Top Cut games. The following Monday is a holliday so no excuses.\nFor those willing\, we can grab a drink or some food afterwards.\nIf you've never been to an organised Netrunner event\, d on't be afraid\, come out and meet the lovely Netrunner community and play some games. As always\, if it's you're first time\, you'll get some prett y sweet extra swag.\n\n\nMWL link:\n If you have any questions I can be reached at Thomas Van der Cruysse via F acebook\, via e-mail or Cluster Fox on Stimslac k.\nAlways Be Running and Cobra link will be in the discussion section.\nI hope to see you all there\, let's make it a good one!\n~ Cluster Fox\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:



Ladies and gents\, the fi rst Regional is on the board for Belgium. Most of you know the drill but I 'll break it down:


MWL link: http://nise


If you have any questions I can be re ached at Thomas Van der Cruysse via Facebook\, via e-mail or Cluster Fox on Stimslack.


Always Be Running and Co bra link will be in the discussion section.


I hope to see you all there\, let's make it a good one!\n~ Cluster Fox