BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:2196alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Stockholm:20190615T111500 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Stockholm:20190615T235900 URL: ft LOCATION:Djäknegatan 2A\, 211 34 Malmö\, Sweden SUMMARY:Charity Cube - Netrunner Draft CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:WHAT\nGaming in the name of charity! Pay what you want and all proceeds go to a charity of the winners choice (as long as it's approved b y the independent control organization: 90konto).\nA hypercube draft\, meaning that we will build our decks in the first phase of the tournament from a collective pool of card playsets pas sed between players. Every playset\, from the first Core Set to Downfall\, is included!\nFor more info\, see: by-joseki/ (We will have some minor variations from this\, ID draft for ex ample)\nThe rules will be explained in more detail before the tournament s tarts.\nIMPORTANT\nYou need to bring your own sleeves (enough for standard size corp+runner decks) and tokens. Make sure the sleeves are completely opaque\, due to the differences on Nisei cards.\nThe starter packs I can p rovide will only cover 8 players. If more people are interested they will need to bring their own starter packs (proxies allowed). See discussion th read to reserve a pack.\nStarters:\n3 Sure Gamble\n1 Battering Ram\n1 Cree per\n1 Force of Nature\n5 Priority Requisition\n1 Government Contracts\n1 Corporate War\n2 Jackson Howard\n3 Hedge Fund\nWHEN\nSaturday June 15th. R egistration open from 11.00 to 11.15. Tournament start at 11.15.\nWHERE\nP layoteket Malmö\, Djäknegatan 2A\nENTRY FEE\nFree of charge. Donate as m uch as you want. All proceeds will go to a charity of the winners choice.\ nPRIZES\nPrize pool will include:\n\nRezeki Playmat\nSmoke/Daily Casts Pla ymat\nFind the Truth Playmat\nRun Amok Playmat\nMaya Playmat\nLeela/Brain- Taping Warehouse Playmat\nActivist Support Playmat\nKit Playmat\nWotan Pla ymat\nSecurity Nexus Alt Art\nTitan Transnational Alt Art\nMagnum Opus Alt Art\nAmina Alt Art\nPlayset Fisk Investment Seminar Alt Art\n\nParticipat ion: IPO\nRULES\nRules for drafting will be explained before we start.\nRe gular playing rules apply.\nTOURNAMENT STRUCTURE\nDraft phase + 4 rounds o f swiss.\nORGANIZER\nChristian Vestergaard\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
\nGaming in the name of charity! Pay what you want and all proceeds go to a charity of the winners choice (as long as it's approved by the independent control organization: https:/ /
\nA hypercube draft\, meaning t hat we will build our decks in the first phase of the tournament from a co llective pool of card playsets passed between players. Every playset\, fro m the first Core Set to Downfall\, is included!
\nFor more info\, se e: (We will have some min or variations from this\, ID draft for example)
\nThe rules will be explained in more detail before the tournament starts.
\nIMPORTANT\n You need to bring your own sleeves (enough for standard size corp+runner d ecks) and tokens. Make sure the sleeves are completely opaque\, due to the differences on Nisei cards.\nThe starter packs I can provide will only co ver 8 players. If more people are interested they will need to bring their own starter packs (proxies allowed). See discussion thread to reserve a p ack.\nStarters:\n3 Sure Gamble\n1 Battering Ram\n1 Creeper\n1 Force of Nat ure\n5 Priority Requisition\n1 Government Contracts\n1 Corporate War\n2 Ja ckson Howard\n3 Hedge Fund
\nWHEN\nSaturday June 15th. Registration open from 11.00 to 11.15. Tournament start at 11.15.
\nWHERE\nPlayot eket Malmö\, Djäknegatan 2A
\nENTRY FEE\nFree of charge. Donate as much as you want. All proceeds will go to a charity of the winners choice .
\nPRIZES\nPrize pool will include:
\nPartici pation: IPO
\nRULES\nRules for drafting will be explained before we start.\nRegular playing rules apply.
\nTOURNAMENT STRUCTURE\nDraft p hase + 4 rounds of swiss.
\nORGANIZER\nChristian Vestergaard