BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:2192alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20190713T193000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20190713T235900 URL: nship-2019 LOCATION:61 Tithebarn St\, Liverpool L2 2SB\, UK SUMMARY:Liverpool Regional Championship 2019 CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Hot on the heels of our first Store Championship\, we now have our first ever Regional Championship! 5 rounds of Swiss with a top cut\, d epending on numbers\, with excellent prize support from the NISEI Regional Champs kit and Aurbits.\nAs per NISEI's rules\, printed proxies will be a llowed.\nDecklists on the day are mandatory. Please print and bring with y ou - you will have to fill out a blank one if you forget!\nFormat: NISEI S tandard\nRestrictions: Standard MWL 3.2\nExpected Schedule\n9:30am Registr ation\n10:00am Round 1\n11:15am Round 2\n12:30pm Lunch\n1:30pm Round 3\n2: 45pm Round 4\n4:00pm Round 5\n5:30pm Top 8 Cut begins\nExpected Finish tim e 7:30 pm\nPrizes\nThe winner will receive First-round bye for any NISEI N ational or Continental Championship\n4 Frosted plastic Az McCaffrey: Mecha nical Prodigy\n8 The Artist playmat\n16 Alt-art ACME Consulting: The Truth You Need\n32 Alt-art Adam: Compulsive Hacker\n64 Alt-art Scrubber\nAlong with additional prize support on the day thanks to\nTickets ar e £12.50 in advance and £15 on the day\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Hot on the heels of our first Store Champio nship\, we now have our first ever Regional Championship! 5 rounds of Swis s with a top cut\, depending on numbers\, with excellent prize support fro m the NISEI Regional Champs kit and Aurbits.


As per NISEI's rules\ , printed proxies will be allowed.


Decklists on the day are mandat ory. Please print and bring with you - you will have to fill out a blank o ne if you forget!


Format: NISEI Standard\nRestrictions: Standard M WL 3.2


Expected Schedule


9:30am Registration\n10:00am Roun d 1\n11:15am Round 2\n12:30pm Lunch\n1:30pm Round 3\n2:45pm Round 4\n4:00p m Round 5\n5:30pm Top 8 Cut begins\nExpected Finish time 7:30 pm


P rizes


The winner will receive First-round bye for any NISEI Nation al or Continental Championship


4 Frosted plastic Az McCaffrey: Mec hanical Prodigy


8 The Artist playmat


16 Alt-art ACME Consu lting: The Truth You Need


32 Alt-art Adam: Compulsive Hacker


64 Alt-art Scrubber


Along with additional prize support on the day thanks to


Tickets are £12.50 in advance and £15 on the day