BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:2189alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20190727T110000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20190727T235900 URL: als-2019 SUMMARY:Aldershot Netrunner Regionals 2019 CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Come enjoy a fun filled day of competitive Netrunner!\nThis is a constructed tournament\; decklists required. Card pool is Standard. Curr ent Nisei Comprehensive Rules 1.1 &\; OP Policy 1.0\, and MWL 3.3 (Bann ed/Restricted List). Decklists can be handed in on the day or emailed to t he TO in advance. Since this is a regional and there is a high chance of p eople looking to ID we will be carrying out deck checks on all those who w ant to ID.\nWe have a official Nisei kit to be givn out with extra bonus p rizes from rotage (FYI rotage get extra prizes...)\n1x First-round bye for any NISEI National or Continental Championship\n4x Frosted plastic Az McC affrey: Mechanical Prodigy\n8x The Artist playmat\n17x Alt-art ACME Consul ting: The Truth You Need\n32x Alt-art Adam: Compulsive Hacker\n64x Alt-art Scrubber\n\nThe rough plan with be 5 rounds then cut to top 8 depending o n numbers. This will be confirmed on the day so people know what they are aiming for when looking to move into ID town (this is aimed at you Chris D yer\, Mayor of ID town).\nFor more details about organised play here is th e Nisei link\,\nIf you got any questions ab out this either send me a message or ask the store and they will pass it o n to one of the TO's.\nTickets are £15 in advance and £17.50 on the day. \nBooking link:\;h osted_button_id=6ZB8NAM9XUZ7E\nWe are located right in the heart of Alders hot town centre\, easily accessible from the M3.\nThe best parking on is l ocated at the Wellington Centre car park\, a few minutes walk from the sho p.\n\nAlternativ ely\, Aldershot train station is just five minutes walk away.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Come enjoy a fun filled day of competitive Netrunner!


This is a constructed tournament\; decklists required. Card pool is Standard. Current Nisei Comprehensive Rules 1.1 &\; OP Pol icy 1.0\, and MWL 3.3 (Banned/Restricted List). Decklists can be handed in on the day or emailed to the TO in advance. Since this is a regional and there is a high chance of people looking to ID we will be carrying out dec k checks on all those who want to ID.


We have a official Nisei kit to be givn out with extra bonus prizes from rotage (FYI rotage get extra prizes...)

1x First-round bye for any NISEI National or Co
 ntinental Championship\n4x Frosted plastic Az McCaffrey: Mechanical Prodig
 y\n8x The Artist playmat\n17x Alt-art ACME Consulting: The Truth You Need\
 n32x Alt-art Adam: Compulsive Hacker\n64x Alt-art Scrubber\n
\ n

The rough plan with be 5 rounds then cut to top 8 depending on numbers . This will be confirmed on the day so people know what they are aiming fo r when looking to move into ID town (this is aimed at you Chris Dyer\, May or of ID town).


For more details about organised play here is the Nisei link\,


If you got any questio ns about this either send me a message or ask the store and they will pass it on to one of the TO's.


Tickets are £15 in advance and £17.50 on the day.\nBooking link: click&\;hosted_button_id=6ZB8NAM9XUZ7E


We are located right in the heart of Aldershot town centre\, easily accessible from the M3.

\n< p>The best parking on is located at the Wellington Centre car park\, a few minutes walk from the shop.\n rt-parking.php


Alternatively\, Aldershot train station is just fiv e minutes walk away.