BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:2175alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/Chicago:20190615T110000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/Chicago:20190615T235900 URL: -championship-ffg LOCATION:1975 County Road B2 W\, Roseville\, MN 55113\, USA SUMMARY:2019 Off the Grid Regional Championship @ FFG CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:\nEntry Fee of $15. 4-6 Swiss Rounds at 65 Minutes Each\, Cut t o Top 4 or 8\, Break Observed for Lunch After Round 2 (Roughly 1:10PM).\nO ops\, we did it again. Mead Crüe has assembled another pile of swag for y ou to battle over. More swag than NISEI wants to give you\, and more than FFG ever dared. And what's more\, we're taking Minnesota ANR's favorite il licit bloodsport right to where it all began: Fantasy Flight Games Event C enter.\nYeah. You heard that right. We don't give a f***. OTG and Mead Cr üe is riding up straight gangster. We hold the tournies where we want. We give the prizes that we want. We run these Nets. So come throw down\, get your swag on\, and raise the one finger salute to anyone who says our gam e is dead and gone.\nOh\, and that swag? Don’t even trip. Miles from www has a small set of goodies for the first 30 people to check i n\, plus OTG has alt playmats\, alt arts\, and other swag for you to grab. Have a peak by looking at the images below.\nDetails:\nTHIS IS A NISEI RE GIONAL. ALL OFFICIAL KIT PRIZES AND A NATS BYE ARE FOR GRABS.\nEvent goes down at 10:00PM CT on 6/15/19 at Fantasy Flight Games Event Center. For th ose that don’t know\, this is at 1975 County Road B2 W\, Roseville\, MN 55113\, USA. We’re doing registration roughly at 10:00AM\, with cards hi tting the tables at 11:00AM.\nRounds are going to be 65 minutes\, with rou ghly 4-6 depending on attendance followed by a Top 4/8. A break after the second round\, around 1:10PM\, will be observed for lunch and/or dinner. F FG has food\, but does not allow anything ordered in. The break will be ro ughly an hour. Plan accordingly. There's not a whole lot close other than nasty fast food.\nEntry Fee will be $15 in either cash or Venmo/PayPal (de tails at event)\, which will go towards covering participation prizes\, ra ffle prizes\, and the Regionals Kit. TOs and some contributors will take a cut and then\, if there’s left over\, we will be putting that towards f uture tournaments. Unfortunately\, there will be no cash prizes.\nFULL NIS EI TOURNEY RULES\, FLOOR RULES\, MWL\, AND PACK LEGALITY WILL BE OBSERVED. Even though this is an illicit event\, we’re not animals. Please famili arize yourself with whatever the current official rules are\, as we will b e following them in the spirit of keeping this close to actual competitive Netrunner.\nPlayers will be expected to bring decklists (or fill out on-s ite)\, and adhere to all established NISEI policies for conduct\, tourname nt rules\, and Standard Format card legality.\nScorched Earth &\; Hunte r Seeker Prizes:\nAdditional prize opportunities are what makes this OTG. Check it:\nScorched Earth is a Minnesota ANR and Mead Crüe tradition. It is a special\, undisclosed prize awarded to the lowest ranked non-dropped player. This is to reward their tenacity and perseverance for sticking wit h it even after it’s pretty clear winning isn’t in the cards (no pun i ntended). I know it's possible\, but please don't intentionally drop games for this.\nHunter Seekers are bounties on the heads of any former Worlds Top 16 Competitors in attendance (we may get @spags\, @aandries\, @Ajar\, @paranoid\, @dashakan\, and possibly Jens). It’s simple: If you are pair ed against and best one of these top players\, you’ll have your choice o f @babyweyland’s excellent alt art IDs.\nLinks\nDecklist Submission Form s\nNISEI Code of Conduct\nNISEI OP Policies &\; Floor Rules\nNISEI Stan dard Format\n(Any and all event details are subject to change. Also\, the above is in jest\; we love our FFG homies. In the case of any saltiness\, please know that any and all dickish comments will be ignored and summaril y dismissed.)\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
Entry Fee of $15. 4-6 Swiss Rounds at 65 Minutes Each\, Cut to Top 4 or 8\, Break Observed for Lunch After Round 2 (Roughly 1:10PM).
\nOops\, we did i t again. Mead Crüe has assembled another pile of swag for you to battle o ver. More swag than NISEI wants to give you\, and more than FFG ever dared . And what's more\, we're taking Minnesota ANR's favorite illicit bloodspo rt right to where it all began: Fantasy Flight Games Event Center.
\nYeah. You heard that right. We don't give a f***. OTG an d Mead Crüe is riding up straight gangster. We hold the tournies where we want. We give the prizes that we want. We run these Nets. So come throw d own\, get your swag on\, and raise the one finger salute to anyone who say s our game is dead and gone.
\nOh\, and that swag? Don’t even trip . Miles from has a small s et of goodies for the first 30 people to check in\, plus OTG has alt playm ats\, alt arts\, and other swag for you to grab. Have a peak by looking at the images below.
\nEvent goes down at 10:00PM CT on 6/15/19 at Fantasy Flight Games Event Ce nter. For those that don’t know\, this is at 1975 County Road B2 W\, Ros eville\, MN 55113\, USA. We’re doing registration roughly at 10:00AM\, w ith cards hitting the tables at 11:00AM.
\nRounds are going to be 65 minutes\, with roughly 4-6 depending on attendance followed by a Top 4/8. A break after the second round\, around 1:10PM\, will be observed for lun ch and/or dinner. FFG has food\, but does not allow anything ordered in. T he break will be roughly an hour. Plan accordingly. There's not a whole lo t close other than nasty fast food.
\nEntry Fee will be $15 in eithe r cash or Venmo/PayPal (details at event)\, which will go towards covering participation prizes\, raffle prizes\, and the Regionals Kit. TOs and som e contributors will take a cut and then\, if there’s left over\, we will be putting that towards future tournaments. Unfortunately\, there will be no cash prizes.
\nFULL NISEI TOURNEY RULES\, FLOOR RULES\, MWL\, AN D PACK LEGALITY WILL BE OBSERVED. Even though this is an illicit event\, w e’re not animals. Please familiarize yourself with whatever the current official rules are\, as we will be following them in the spirit of keeping this close to actual competitive Netrunner.
\nPlayers will be expec ted to bring decklists (or fill out on-site)\, and adhere to all establish ed NISEI policies for conduct\, tournament rules\, and Standard Format car d legality.
\nScorched Earth &\; Hunter Seeker Prizes:
\nAdditional prize opportunities are what makes this OTG. Che ck it:
\nScorched Earth is a Minnesota ANR and Mead Crüe t radition. It is a special\, undisclosed prize awarded to the lowest ranked non-dropped player. This is to reward their tenacity and perseverance for sticking with it even after it’s pretty clear winning isn’t in the ca rds (no pun intended). I know it's possible\, but please don't intentional ly drop games for this.
\nHunter Seekers are bounties on th e heads of any former Worlds Top 16 Competitors in attendance (we may get @spags\, @aandries\, @Ajar\, @paranoid\, @dashakan\, and possibly Jens). I t’s simple: If you are paired against and best one of these top players\ , you’ll have your choice of @babyweyland’s excellent alt art IDs.
\nDecklist Submission Forms\nNISEI Code of Conduct
(Any and all event details are subject to change. Also\, the ab ove is in jest\; we love our FFG homies. In the case of any saltiness\, pl ease know that any and all dickish comments will be ignored and summarily dismissed.)