BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:2173alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20190525T124500 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20190525T235900 URL: r-event-downfall-meta LOCATION:13 Earle St\, Liverpool L3 9NS\, UK SUMMARY:Liverpool Eternal Netrunner Event - Downfall meta CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Have you got cards in your collections unloved and never played ? Do you want to relive the moments when you could save your trashed agend as from a savvy runner with the power of Netrunner's lord and saviour? Do you want to make the corp sweat by using their bad publicity against them in the most devastating way? Or do you just want to see what the game look s like without a rotation policy hanging over it?\nIf you answered yes to any of the above\, or you just want to play with your older cards (or get practice for the Euros side events)\, then come along to the first NISEI L iverpool Eternal event!\nWe'll be using the NISEI eternal MWL for this eve nt with alt art cards available for participants and the highest ranking p layers! Also\, courtesy of Aurbits ( we will have additional prizes for this event!\nLocation: Cross Keys Liverpoo l\, 13 Earle St\, Liverpool L3 9NS\nCost: £5\nRegistration starts: 12:30p m\nRound 1: 12:45pm\nFormat and MWL details: Eternal Format http://nisei.n et/op/supported-formats\nPrizes: Imp (Participation)\, SSL Endorsement (To p 2)\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
Have you got cards in your collections unlo ved and never played? Do you want to relive the moments when you could sav e your trashed agendas from a savvy runner with the power of Netrunner's l ord and saviour? Do you want to make the corp sweat by using their bad pub licity against them in the most devastating way? Or do you just want to se e what the game looks like without a rotation policy hanging over it?
\ nIf you answered yes to any of the above\, or you just want to play wit h your older cards (or get practice for the Euros side events)\, then come along to the first NISEI Liverpool Eternal event!
\nWe'll be using the NISEI eternal MWL for this event with alt art cards available for part icipants and the highest ranking players! Also\, courtesy of Aurbits (http s:// we will have additional prizes for this eve nt!
\nLocation: Cross Keys Liverpool\, 13 Earle St\, Liverpool L3 9N S
\nCost: £5\nRegistration starts: 12:30pm\nRound 1: 12:45pm\nForma t and MWL details: Eternal Format
\nPrizes: Imp (Participation)\, SSL Endorsement (Top 2)