BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:2172alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20190514T183000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20190514T235900 URL: SUMMARY:Liverpool Q2 GNK - Tuesday CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Euros is coming soon and what better way to hone those decks th an with the new NISEI kit! We'll be holding occasional Tuesday GNK's in pl ace of our meet to allow people who can't normally attend weekend sessions a chance to play for prizes!\nThe GNK will consist of 3 rounds of Swiss g ames timed at 60 minutes each. The slightly shorter time allows us to ensu re we can get all games in and finish at a reasonable time.\nFormat: NISEI Standard\nMWL: Newest MWL being announced on 30th April (Details TBC)\nPr ice: £5 to be paid on the night to Simon Ho or via PayPal. Contact me via Slack or Messenger for details.\nRegistration: 5:30pm to 6:20pm\nRound 1: 6:30pm\nProjected finish: 10pm\nPrizes\nIPO (Participation)\nSecurity Nex us (High ranking)\nNISEI Q2 Playmat (Rezeki) (Top prize)\nIf you have any questions\, please leave a comment or message me on Slack!\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Euros is coming soon and what better way to hone those decks than with the new NISEI kit! We'll be holding occasional Tuesday GNK's in place of our meet to allow people who can't normally att end weekend sessions a chance to play for prizes!


The GNK will con sist of 3 rounds of Swiss games timed at 60 minutes each. The slightly sho rter time allows us to ensure we can get all games in and finish at a reas onable time.


Format: NISEI Standard\nMWL: Newest MWL being announc ed on 30th April (Details TBC)\nPrice: £5 to be paid on the night to Simo n Ho or via PayPal. Contact me via Slack or Messenger for details.


Registration: 5:30pm to 6:20pm\nRound 1: 6:30pm\nProjected finish: 10pm\n

Prizes\nIPO (Participation)\nSecurity Nexus (High ranking)\nNISEI Q 2 Playmat (Rezeki) (Top prize)


If you have any questions\, please leave a comment or message me on Slack!