BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:2141alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20190622T110000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20190622T235900 URL: LOCATION:79 Station Rd\, Taunton TA1 1PB\, UK SUMMARY:Taunton Regional 2019 CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:We'd love to welcome you to Taunton for our first ever Regional ! As always\, there will be plentiful prize support if that's your thing\, as well as the beautiful NISEI Regional Prize Kit.\nAdvance tickets can b e purchased here.\nPlease send your decklists to: TauntonDecklists@gmail.c om or bring copies with you on the day!\nTHE IMPORTANT STUFF:\nWhen: Satur day 22nd June\nWhere: The Geek Lab UK\, 79 Station Road\, Taunton\, TA1 1P B\nRegistration from: 10:30\nRound 1 begins: 11:00\nEntry Fee: £20 (or £ 15 in advance)\nStructure: Dependent on attendance\, following NISEI guide lines\nApprox Swiss end time: 18:00\nThe event pairings and standings will be available on Cobra:\nThe Geek Lab is easy to get to - if you're arriving at Taunton train station\, walk from either side of the station down to Station Road and turn left. The store i s then just a few hundred yards down Station Road on the right.\nParking i s available at Kilkenny Car Park at a cost on Saturdays\, or on-street par king can be found in the surrounding area - Herbert Street and Rupert Stre et are probably the closest\, 5-10 mins walk away.\nThis Regional will be run as per NISEI regulations\, see for further details\, or plea se feel free to message or post here in the Facebook event. You can also r each me on Slack where I'm 3N1GM4.\nHope to see you there! Always Be Runni ng!\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
We'd love to welcome you to Taunton for our first ever Regional! As always\, there will be plentiful prize support if that's your thing\, as well as the beautiful NISEI Regional Prize Kit.
\nAdvance tickets can be purchased here.
\nPlease send your decklists to: or bring cop ies with you on the day!
\nWhen: Saturday 22nd June\nWhere: Th e Geek Lab UK\, 79 Station Road\, Taunton\, TA1 1PB\nRegistration from: 10:30\nRound 1 begins: 11:00\nEntr y Fee: £20 (or £15 in advance)\nStructure: Dep endent on attendance\, following NISEI guidelines\nApprox Swiss en d time: 18:00
\nThe event pairings and standings will be av ailable on Cobra: http://cobr .ai/tournaments/1073/.
\nThe Geek Lab is easy to get to - if you 're arriving at Taunton train station\, walk from either side of the stati on down to Station Road and turn left. The store is then just a few hundre d yards down Station Road on the right.
\nParking is available at Ki lkenny Car Park at a cost on Saturdays\, or on-street parking can be found in the surrounding area - Herbert Street and Rupert Street are probably t he closest\, 5-10 mins walk away.
\nThis Regional will be run as per NISEI regulations\, see for further details\, or please feel fr ee to message or post here in the Facebook event. You can also reach me on Slack where I'm 3N1GM4.
\n< p>Hope to see you there! Always Be Running!\n DTSTAMP:20250329T032811Z BEGIN:VALARM TRIGGER:-PT120M ACTION:DISPLAY DESCRIPTION:Taunton Regional 2019 END:VALARM END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR