BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:2132alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Madrid:20190629T100000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Madrid:20190629T235900 URL: als LOCATION:Carrer de Valladolid\, 41\, 08014 Barcelona\, Spain SUMMARY:NETRUNNER: Barcelona Regionals CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:June is the perfect month for a nice weekend getaway\, and if i t is filled with some healthy Netrunner competition\, it's better!\nWhat c an we tell you about Barcelona that you don't already know? It's sunny\, i t's beautiful and it's alive with the sound of thousands of beers being po ured... We also have other drinks to keep you fresh and happy in the risin g heat\, so worry not if beer is not your thing.\n9 out of 10 Runners reco mmend it!\nCome for the chance to win:\n· A First-Round Bye for any NISEI National or Continental Championship\n· Frosted plastic Az McCaffrey ID\ n· The Artist playmat\n· Alt art cards from the 2019 Regionals Kit\n... and much more! (Still missing that one ID by Aurbits? This could be your c hance to get it!)\nRegistration starts at 9:30\nFirst round start at 10:00 \nAdmission price: €15\nLocation: El Nucli (Carrer de Valladolid\, 41\, 08014)\nDepending on the number of players\, we will consider hosting the Top on Sunday afternoon OR finishing on the same day:\n○ 9-24 players: 4 rounds\, top 4 on Saturday\n○ 25-32 players: 4 rounds\, top 8 on Sunday \n○ 33-56 players: 5 rounds\, top 8 on Sunday\nWe will close inscription s on Wednesday 26th June.\nIf you have any questions don't hesitate to con tact me (Mar) at\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

June is the perfect month for a nice weeken d getaway\, and if it is filled with some healthy Netrunner competition\, it's better!


What can we tell you about Barcelona that you don't already know? It's sunny\, it's beautiful and it' s alive with the sound of thousands of beers being poured... We also have other drinks to keep you fresh and happy in the rising heat\, so worry not if beer is not your thing.


9 out of 10 Runners recom mend it!


Come for the chance to win:\n· A First-Ro und Bye for any NISEI National or Continental Championship\n· Frosted pla stic Az McCaffrey ID\n· The Artist playmat\n· Alt art cards from the 201 9 Regionals Kit\n... and much more! (Still missing that one ID by Aurbits? This could be your chance to get it!)


Registration start s at 9:30\nFirst round start at 10:00\nAdmission price: €15\nLocation: E l Nucli (Carrer de Valladolid\, 41\, 08014)


Depending on the numbe r of players\, we will consider hosting the Top on Sunday afternoon OR fin ishing on the same day:


○ 9-24 players: 4 rounds\, top 4 on Satu rday\n○ 25-32 players: 4 rounds\, top 8 on Sunday\n○ 33-56 players: 5 rounds\, top 8 on Sunday


We will close inscriptions on Wednesday 2 6th June.


If you have any questions don't hesitate to contact me ( Mar) at