BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:2112alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Zurich:20190419T110000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Zurich:20190419T235900 URL: LOCATION:Triemlistrasse 183\, 8047 Zürich\, Switzerland SUMMARY:SEALED tournament CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:SEALED tournament\nWe play the 45 cards per deck variation.\nYo u will receive your sealed pack lists with 2 x 85 cards on Wednesday 20:00 .\nDeckbuilding rules:\nEach player receives:\n\n1 Corp Sealed Pack: Seale d Pack - Player x - Corp.txt\n1 Runner Sealed Pack: Sealed Pack - Player x - Runner.txt\n(Optionally: The players can Copy/Paste their Sealed Packs to NetrunnerDB or for better readability.)\n\nEach player buil ds 1 Corp deck and 1 Runner deck only with the 85 cards of his Starter by using the following identity cards:\n\n\nNo Faction.\n\n\n45 Cards minimum .\n\n\nNo influence limit.\n\n\nThe Runner's text box is blank.\n\n\nThe C orp's text box is:\n* You can use agendas from all factions in this deck.\ n* The number of agenda points required in this deck is reduced by 2.\n* T he trash cost of all transaction and advertisement assets is increased by 2.\nAgenda points:\n(45 cards per deck / 7 agenda points format (-2 agenda points compared to the base game)):\n\n\n45-49 cards: 18-19 Agenda points \n\n\n50-54 cards: 20-21 Agenda points\n\n\n55-59 cards: 22-23 Agenda poin ts\n\n\netc...\n\n\nWin conditions (Same as the base game)\n\n7 Agenda Poi nts (or 6 Agenda Points if you chose the 30 cards per deck format).\nThe R unner is flatlined.\nThe Corp can't draw at the start of its turn.\n\nAddi tional information: ANRSEALED\nSignup here on ABR.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
We play the 45 cards per deck variation.\nYou will receive your sealed pack lists with 2 x 85 cards on Wednesday 20:00.
\nDeckbuilding rules:
\nEach player receives:
\nEach player builds 1 Corp deck and 1 Runner deck only with the 85 cards of his Starter by using the following identity car ds:
\nNo Faction.
\n45 Cards min imum.
\nNo influence limit.
\nThe Ru nner's text box is blank.
\nThe Corp's text box is:\n* You can use agendas from all factions in this deck.\n* The number of agend a points required in this deck is reduced by 2.\n* The trash cost of all t ransaction and advertisement assets is increased by 2.
\nAgenda points:\n(45 cards per deck / 7 agenda points format (-2 agenda point s compared to the base game)):
\n45-49 cards: 18-19 Age nda points
\n50-54 cards: 20-21 Agenda points
\n55-59 cards: 22-23 Agenda points
\netc... p>\n
Win conditions (Same as the base game)
\nAdditional inform ation: ANRSEALED
\nSignup here on ABR.