BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:2107alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Brussels:20190518T130000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Brussels:20190518T235900 URL: LOCATION:Beggaardenstraat 6\, 2000 Antwerpen\, Belgium SUMMARY:GNK² Antwerpen CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:\n=========== NETWORK WIDE TRANSMISSION ===========\n========== ==== PUBLIC NEWS BULLETIN ===============\nDear Citizen\,\nWe hope you enj oyed the spectacle presented to you last night through the concerted effor ts of the Special Economic Zone of the City of New Angeles\, the Space Ele vator Authority and the Weyland Consortium. We value and appreciate you\, and as a thank you for being a resident of the most glorious city on Earth \, a special effort was made to entertain you by simulating a real-time at tack upon the Space Elevator. We sincerely hope we did not alarm you\, and hope our stimulating light show did not cause you any distress. This WAS NOT an attack\, but merely an amusing technological display to beguile and captivate you while mandatory upgrades were being performed on the struct ure in the interest of public safety. The Space Elevator is the symbol of our time and the future\, that your patronage has rewarded us with. Tune i n to the News Now Hour at 18:00 where we will have insightful interviews w ith experts to attest to the integrity of the structure.\nIf you wish to p romote more presentations to awe and amaze you\, the agglomeration encoura ges you to support the effort by visiting The Outpost Gamecenter in the An twerp District and donate a small fee of 5 Credits. Jack in to the Discuss ion Section to view the rewards for your patronage and continued support.\ nEver prosper\,\nMayor Ignacio Wells\n================ END TRANSMISSION == ==============\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

\"image\"\n=========== NETWORK WIDE TRANSMISS ION ===========\n============== PUBLIC NEWS BULLETIN ===============


Dear Citizen\,\nWe hope you enjoyed the spectacle presented to you last night through the concerted efforts of the Special Economic Zone of the C ity of New Angeles\, the Space Elevator Authority and the Weyland Consorti um. We value and appreciate you\, and as a thank you for being a resident of the most glorious city on Earth\, a special effort was made to entertai n you by simulating a real-time attack upon the Space Elevator. We sincere ly hope we did not alarm you\, and hope our stimulating light show did not cause you any distress. This WAS NOT an attack\, but merely an amusing te chnological display to beguile and captivate you while mandatory upgrades were being performed on the structure in the interest of public safety. Th e Space Elevator is the symbol of our time and the future\, that your patr onage has rewarded us with. Tune in to the News Now Hour at 18:00 where we will have insightful interviews with experts to attest to the integrity o f the structure.


If you wish to promote more presentations to awe and amaze you\, the agglomeration encourages you to support the effort by visiting The Outpost Gamecenter in the Antwerp District and donate a small fee of 5 Credits. Jack in to the Discussion Section to view the rewards f or your patronage and continued support.


Ever prosper\,\nMayor Ign acio Wells


================ END TRANSMISSION ================