BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:2102alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20190914T110000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20190914T235900 URL: ional-with-bbq SUMMARY:RosenheimCG'S 1st NISEI Regional with BBQ CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:COSPLAYING AS YOUR YOUR RUNNER IS ENCOURAGED!!! (but It's also allowed to come as a corporate sales team) \;-)\nWe will use the MWL 3.4 r eleased on Sept. 9th. The World Booster will not be legal. Currently expe cting about 10 Participants. So if....\'re looking for Tournament T raining for World Champs in October... are worried about missing the Oktob erfest because of World Champs in October... Look no further\, we have jus t the thing for you! So without further ado...\nDear fellow Netrunner Enth usiasts\,\nthe RCG is proud to host its first NISEI Regional Championship on September 14th 2019 on the premises of the Flugsportverein Rosenheim! C ome run some nets and advance some agendas with us - @ll welcome!\nCover C harge:\n15 Credits for 4-11 Attendees\n10 Credits for 12+ Attendees\n(Surp lus Money exceeding the cost of the Kit(s) will go to the Flugsportverein as a Donation for letting us use their club home)\nGame Mode:\nNisei stand ard MWL 3.4. and all current regulations. Worlds Booster pack not legal.\n BBQ:\nWe want to make this a pleasant and fun event for everyone\, compete tive and casual players alike\, so we are planning to do a BBQ. Bring your own meat and soy or order from our Insider (see Discussion in the Faceboo k event)\nTiming:\nBBQ #1 after 2nd Round of Swiss\nBBQ #2 After the Tourn ament or during Top Cut if a Cut is needed\nDrinks:\nHelp the Verein with 1 Credit for cold Softdrinks or 1\,5 credits for a Beer or just bring your own.\nShuttleservice:\nWe will have a Car pickung you up from Flintsbach Trainstation if need be.\nStarting time:\nThis is still flexibel\, as we a re not subject to store hours. Let us know if you rather start later and s tay longer e.g.\nAftershow Party:\nJoin me and maybe others for a MASS or three at Herbstfest Rosenheim. - the nicer Oktoberfest \;-)\nHopefully se e you in the near Future\,\nLate\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
COSPLAYING AS YOUR YOUR RUNNER IS ENCOURAGE D!!! (but It's also allowed to come as a corporate sales team) \;-)
\n< p>We will use the MWL 3.4 released on Sept. 9th. The World Booster will no t be legal. Currently expecting about 10 Participants. So if....\'re looking for Tournament Training for World Champs in October... a re worried about missing the Oktoberfest because of World Champs in Octobe r... Look no further\, we have just the thing for you! So without further ado...
\nDear fellow Netrunner Enthusiasts\,
\nthe RCG is prou d to host its first NISEI Regional Championship on September 14th 2019 on the premises of the Flugsportverein Rosenheim! Come run some nets and adva nce some agendas with us - @ll welcome!
\nCover Charge:\n15 Credits for 4-11 Attendees\n10 Credits for 12+ Attendees\n(Surplus Money exceeding the cost of the Kit(s) will go to the Flugsportverein as a Donation for l etting us use their club home)
\nGame Mode:\nNisei standard MWL 3.4. and all current regulations. Worlds Booster pack not legal.
\nBBQ:\ nWe want to make this a pleasant and fun event for everyone\, competetive and casual players alike\, so we are planning to do a BBQ. Bring your own meat and soy or order from our Insider (see Discussion in the Facebook eve nt)
\nTiming:\nBBQ #1 after 2nd Round of Swiss\nBBQ #2 After the Tou rnament or during Top Cut if a Cut is needed
\nDrinks:\nHelp the Ver ein with 1 Credit for cold Softdrinks or 1\,5 credits for a Beer or just b ring your own.
\nShuttleservice:\nWe will have a Car pickung you up from Flintsbach Trainstation if need be.
\nStarting time:\nThis is s till flexibel\, as we are not subject to store hours. Let us know if you r ather start later and stay longer e.g.
\nAftershow Party:\nJoin me a nd maybe others for a MASS or three at Herbstfest Rosenheim. - the nicer Oktoberfest \;-)
\nHopefully see you in the near Future\,\nLate