BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:21alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/Chicago:20161105T100000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/Chicago:20161105T235900 URL: team-tournament LOCATION:2100 Dale St N\, Roseville\, MN 55113\, USA SUMMARY:2016 Worlds King of Servers Team Tournament CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:\nWelcome back for King of Servers 2016\, the team tournament t hat was the highlight of Worlds 2015\, brought to you by the ANRPC and Dea th Run Records. The last gathering was a smash\, and everyone had a blast. However\, half of one of the winning teams probably won't even be at Worl ds\, so now is your chance to prove your strength! Our new venue for our h acktivist gathering will be at the B-Dale Club\, in Roseville\, MN. Regist ration will begin at 10A on Saturday\, November 5th\, and the cards will d rop at 11A sharp (unless Jason Deng is late again).\nThis is a team tourna ment. Teams of four can submit their team name and members here. There is a space cap of 38 teams. The team must represent all seven main Netrunner factions between their team\, with the 8th faction being a Runner ID that is not going to be a duplicate on the team.\nThe teammates will then play together\, playing in a 6 round Swiss tournament. Teams will be paired acc ording to Swiss rules\, with teams of like total prestige facing off. Play ers in the matchups will then be seated in order of their individual prest ige\, so the highest prestige player on a team will play the highest prest ige player on the opposing team\, and so forth for the remaining three pla yers. Table talk during the games will be fully allowed between teammates and their opponents. This is meant to be more fun and in the spirit of the event than downright piloting and direction. If one feels that there's to o much banter\, and that their game is being too hampered and slowed by th e table talk\, they may call a judge to observe and/or give a warning.\nRo unds will be 70 minutes. When time is called\, the current turn is finishe d\, and the other player gets one full turn. There will be NO table talk\, from teammates nor observers\, during the last 5 minutes of the round\, t o allow for more concentration by those left alive.\nEntry fees are $25 pe r person\, to cover a variety of costs\, including the hall\, bartender\, prizes\, streaming\, etc. All will receive a variety of participation priz es. Third and fourth place will receive their entry fees back\, and the to p two teams will receive a 70-30 split of the remainder of the pool (unles s they are true sportspeople\, and decide to split it beforehand).\nThere will be a break for food after the third round\, roughly around 4P. We wil l have a dedicated bartender from 11:30A on. NO outside drink is allowed.\ nQuality streaming and commentary will once again be provided by @dodgepon g and @Sotomatic at\nIf there are any questions \, please post them in this thread. Thanks\, and good luck!\nSee teams her e.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
Welcome back for King of Servers 2016\, the team tour nament that was the highlight of Worlds 2015\, brought to you by the ANRPC and Death Run Records. The last gathering was a smash\, and everyone had a blast. However\, half of one of the winning teams probably won't even be at Worlds\, so now is your chance to prove your strength! Our new venue f or our hacktivist gathering will be at the B-Dale Club\, in Roseville\, MN . Registration will begin at 10A on Saturday\, November 5th\, and the card s will drop at 11A sharp (unless Jason Deng is late again).
\nThis i s a team tournament. Teams of four can submit their team name and members here. There is a space cap of 38 teams. The team must represent all seven main Netrun ner factions between their team\, with the 8th faction being a Runner ID t hat is not going to be a duplicate on the team.
\nThe teammates will then play together\, playing in a 6 round Swiss tournament. Teams will be paired according to Swiss rules\, with teams of like total prestige facin g off. Players in the matchups will then be seated in order of their indiv idual prestige\, so the highest prestige player on a team will play the hi ghest prestige player on the opposing team\, and so forth for the remainin g three players. Table talk during the games will be fully allowed between teammates and their opponents. This is meant to be more fun and in the sp irit of the event than downright piloting and direction. If one feels that there's too much banter\, and that their game is being too hampered and s lowed by the table talk\, they may call a judge to observe and/or give a w arning.
\nRounds will be 70 minutes. When time is called\, the curre nt turn is finished\, and the other player gets one full turn. There will be NO table talk\, from teammates nor observers\, during the last 5 minute s of the round\, to allow for more concentration by those left alive.
\ nEntry fees are $25 per person\, to cover a variety of costs\, includin g the hall\, bartender\, prizes\, streaming\, etc. All will receive a vari ety of participation prizes. Third and fourth place will receive their ent ry fees back\, and the top two teams will receive a 70-30 split of the rem ainder of the pool (unless they are true sportspeople\, and decide to spli t it beforehand).
\nThere will be a break for food after the third r ound\, roughly around 4P. We will have a dedicated bartender from 11:30A o n. NO outside drink is allowed.
\nQuality streaming and commentary w ill once again be provided by @dodgepong and @Sotomatic at
\nIf there ar e any questions\, please post them in this thread . Thanks\, and good luck!