BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:2082alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/Los_Angeles:20190414T110000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/Los_Angeles:20190414T235900 URL: ore-championship LOCATION:5105 Leary Ave NW\, Seattle\, WA 98107\, USA SUMMARY:Mox Boarding House 2019 Store Championship CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Mox Ballard: the store so nice\, we had to host twice! Come joi n us for this second round of new Downfall fun - preregistration is via th e link below\, but day-of registration at the store allowed an hour before the event\, with the entry fee being $10 and the first round kicking off at 11 AM.\nThere will be at least 3 rounds of Swiss\, with more rounds and /or a top cut determined by the number of players. No lists required but d ecks will be vetted by TO if they are not playing\, or by first round oppo nent after finishing their match\, to ensure that everybody's decks are St andard format compliant (and avoid any pesky unintentional game losses!).\ nMost recent NISEI tournament regulations and MWL will be in effect (see l inks below). Per NISEI\, proxies are allowed now\, as long as they adhere to the following conditions:\n\nLegible and easily identifiable\,\nPrinted out (color and grayscale are both acceptable) on white\, standard-weight copy paper and scaled appropriately\nCut out neatly so as not to be too la rge for the card sleeve or protrude from it.\nPlaced in front of a forward -facing card of the same side that is not a copy of another card in the de ck.\nHandwritten proxies may only be made by tournament staff and only as a last resort.\n\nLast but not least\, no outside food and drink are allow ed\, however the lovely other half of the store otherwise known as Cafe Mo x has a delicious menu to choose from\, or you can grab some takeout from one of the many wonderful spots around Ballard in between rounds.\nIf you have questions or concerns about any of the above\, please reach out to me and I'll reply as soon as possible\, but in any case hope to see you ther e! :)\nPreregistration: enda_calendar\nNISEI OP Rules: ies.pdf\nMWL 3.1:\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Mox Ballard: the store so nice\, we had to host twice! Come join us for this second round of new Downfall fun - prere gistration is via the link below\, but day-of registration at the store al lowed an hour before the event\, with the entry fee being $10 and the firs t round kicking off at 11 AM.


There will be at least 3 rounds of S wiss\, with more rounds and/or a top cut determined by the number of playe rs. No lists required but decks will be vetted by TO if they are not playi ng\, or by first round opponent after finishing their match\, to ensure th at everybody's decks are Standard format compliant (and avoid any pesky un intentional game losses!).


Most recent NISEI tournament regulation s and MWL will be in effect (see links below). Per NISEI\, proxies are all owed now\, as long as they adhere to the following conditions:


Last but not least\, no outside foo d and drink are allowed\, however the lovely other half of the store other wise known as Cafe Mox has a delicious menu to choose from\, or you can gr ab some takeout from one of the many wonderful spots around Ballard in bet ween rounds.


If you have questions or concerns about any of the ab ove\, please reach out to me and I'll reply as soon as possible\, but in a ny case hope to see you there! :)


Preregistration: https://app.get


NISEI OP Rules: h ttp://


MWL 3.1: https:/ /