BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:2072alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/Los_Angeles:20190330T120000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/Los_Angeles:20190330T235900 URL: p-seattle-wa-2019 SUMMARY:Cafe Mox Store Championship - Seattle\, WA 2019 CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Android: Netrunner lives on! Come and play in a Netrunner Store Championship hosted by yours truly\, with prizes from the NISEI Store Cha mpionship kit! I also have additional leftover FFG prize support as well a s some Team Covenant and Aurbits tokens.\nPrize allocation will depend on the number of entrants\, but the 1st place is guaranteed a bye at regional s this summer and every participant will get at least one promo for coming out!\nHope to see you there!\n\nWill be NISEI Standard format https: http s://\nWill use the current effective Most Wa nted List (at the time of this writing\, that is MWL 3.1) t/article/MA201902\nSubmitting decklists will be required before tournamen t begins\; blank decklist templates\ nAshes cycle will be legal\nProxies will be legal as long as they meet the NISEI proxy standard. A “proxy” is a paper stand-in for a legal card that the participant does not physically own\, and must be:\n-- Legible an d easily identifiable\,\n-- Printed out (color and grayscale are both acce ptable) on white\, standard-weight copy paper and scaled appropriately\n-- Handwritten proxies may only be made by tournament staff and only as a la st resort.\n-- Cut out neatly so as not to be too large for the card sleev e or protrude from it.\n-- Placed in front of a forward-facing card of the same side that is not a copy of another card in the deck.\n-- Denoted on the player’s decklist (at Competitive events).\n-- Approved by a tournam ent leader before the event begins.\n\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Android: Netrunner lives on! Come and play in a Netrunner Store Championship hosted by yours truly\, with prizes from the NISEI Store Championship kit! I also have additional leftover FFG pri ze support as well as some Team Covenant and Aurbits tokens.


Prize allocation will depend on the number of entrants\, but the 1st place is g uaranteed a bye at regionals this summer and every participant will get at least one promo for coming out!


Hope to see you there!