BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:2070alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20190615T110000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20190615T235900 URL: LOCATION:Waldstraße 50\, 10551 Berlin\, Germany SUMMARY:NISEI Regionals in Berlin CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:STREAM:\nCOBRA: /tournaments/1060\nBerlin will have a NISEI Regionals! \nJoin us for a fantastic tournament experience.\n To cover the venue and the kit I ask you to pay upfront. You also save some money. You can pay either vi a bank transfer or PayPal: Paypal address:\n So h ere are the main points for you:\n What?: NISEI Regional 2019 in Berl in\n When?: 15. June 2019 \; doors: 10:00 \; tournament starts 11:00 \nWhere?: Brettspielplatz \, Waldstraße 50\, 10551 Berlin \nHow much?: 15€ if you pay Upfront (until 30.5.2019)\, 17€ if you pay upfront unti l 14.6.2019 and 20€ if you pay on the registration desk.\n How long?: We will play Swiss rounds based on players and then a cut. Tournament end s around 20:00. \nWhat can I win?: We will have a NISEI Regional kit\, s o you will win some goodies from that one. There will be most likely some other small goodies to win.\n Also nice to know: The Brettspielpla tz offers some snacks and cold and hot beverages. But you can bring your o wn food and drinks. \n Did I forget something? Do you have any questi ons? Please feel free to ask them! \n We are looking forward to see you! \n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
\n< p>Berlin will have a NISEI Regionals! \nJoin us for a fantastic tourn ament experience.\n To cover the venue and the kit I ask you to pay u pfront. You also save some money. You can pay either via bank transfer o r PayPal: Paypal address:\nSo here are th e main points for you:\n What?: NISEI Regional 2019 in Berlin\n Whe n?: 15. June 2019 \; doors: 10:00 \; tournament starts 11:00 \nWhere?: Brettspielplatz \, Waldstraße 50\, 10551 Berlin \nHow much?: 15€ if y ou pay Upfront (until 30.5.2019)\, 17€ if you pay upfront until 14.6.201 9 and 20€ if you pay on the registration desk.\n How long?: We will pl ay Swiss rounds based on players and then a cut. Tournament ends around 2 0:00. \nWhat can I win?: We will have a NISEI Regional kit\, so you will win some goodies from that one. There will be most likely some other smal l goodies to win.
\nAlso nice to know: The Brettspielplatz offers some snacks and cold and hot beverages. But you can bring your own food and drinks.
\nDid I forget something? Do you have any qu estions? Please feel free to ask them!
\nWe are looking for ward to see you!