BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:2063alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Pacific/Auckland:20190427T100000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Pacific/Auckland:20190428T235900 URL: -2018-ffg-prize-kit LOCATION:Auckland 1010\, New Zealand SUMMARY:New Zealand Nationals 2019 (2018 FFG Prize Kit) CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Let's get together and celebrate the last of the FFG Nationals Prizes and gather experience the new NISEI direction to the game.\nIn a si milar format to last year\, we'll try and work in gatherings on Friday and Saturday nights\, a 2 day Nationals tournament and some extra things to p lay on Sunday.\nI'll be posting more details as we get closer\, but wanted to finally getting a date posted to give everyone something to work towar ds.\nFormat will most likely be the new Standard format\, or whatever the general consensus is. Since there is no real serious follow on event\, I h appy to take suggestions for what we actually do.\nThis event will be host ed during the PrezCon event at the Auckland Uni which details of that even t are here:\n\nLet's shak e the tree and see if we can get a good celebration of the game and what i t achieved.\nParking for the event: There is one building called the Owen G Glenn Building. It's a carparking building off Grafton Road which is jus t $6 for the day and Sun. It's open from 7am to 11pm. Building 260 near th e roads on the right hand side of this map. public/maps/city.pdf\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
Let's get together and celebrate the last o f the FFG Nationals Prizes and gather experience the new NISEI direction t o the game.
\nIn a similar format to last year\, we'll try and work in gatherings on Friday and Saturday nights\, a 2 day Nationals tournament and some extra things to play on Sunday.
\nI'll be posting more det ails as we get closer\, but wanted to finally getting a date posted to giv e everyone something to work towards.
\nFormat will most likely be t he new Standard format\, or whatever the general consensus is. Since there is no real serious follow on event\, I happy to take suggestions for what we actually do.
\nThis event will be hosted during the PrezCon even t at the Auckland Uni which details of that event are here:\nhttps://www.f
\nLet's shake the tree and see if we can get a good celebration of the game and what it achieved.
\nParking for the event: There is one building called the Owen G Glenn Buil ding. It's a carparking building off Grafton Road which is just $6 for the day and Sun. It's open from 7am to 11pm. Building 260 near the roads on t he right hand side of this map. city.pdf