BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:2053alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Bucharest:20190317T130000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Bucharest:20190317T235900 URL: t LOCATION:Strada Ilarie Chendi 5\, București 021503\, Romania SUMMARY:Bucharest Casual Tournament CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:First Romanian Netrunner Tournament of 2019\nThe format is an a dapted version of Cache Refresh\n-Revised Coreset + Reign and Reveri + Mag num Opus Cards\n-1x deluxe box (including Terminal Directive)\n\nLast 2 cy cles (Red Sand &\; Kitara)\n3x copies of an extra card from this pool ( from another deluxe or 3x of a coreset card which isn't 3x)\nID must be c hosen from this pool\nMini Factions have access to their respective factio n cards even though they're not part of this pool\n\nSpecial MWL list for this event:\nRunner restricted:\nAesop's Pawnshop (Revised Core)\nMagnum O pus (Revised Core)\nLevy AR Lab Access (Creation and Control)\nInversifica tor (Earth's Scion)\nEmployee Strike (Data and Destiny)\nMad Dash (Daedalu s Complex)\nRunner banned:\nZer0 (Kampala Ascendent)\nBloo Moose (Free Mar s)\nWatch the World Burn (Magnum Opus)\nCorp restricted:\nHunter Seeker (T erminal Directive)\nSurveyor (Kampala Ascendent)\nObokata Protocol (Blood and Water)\nMti Mwekundu: Life Improved\nGlobal Food Initiative (Data and Destiny)\nWhampoa Reclamation (Blood and Water)\nRashida Jaheem (The Devil and the Dragon)\nCorp banned:\nEstelle Moon (Terminal Directive)\n24/7 Ne ws Cycle (Data and Destiny)\nHired Help (Magnum Opus)\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

First Romanian Netrunner Tournament of 2019


The format is an adapted version of Cache Refresh\n-Revised Cores et + Reign and Reveri + Magnum Opus Cards\n-1x deluxe box (including Termi nal Directive)


Special MWL list for this event:


Runner restricted:


Aesop's Pawnshop (Revi sed Core)\nMagnum Opus (Revised Core)\nLevy AR Lab Access (Creation and Co ntrol)\nInversificator (Earth's Scion)\nEmployee Strike (Data and Destiny) \nMad Dash (Daedalus Complex)


Runner banned:


Zer0 (Kampala Ascendent)\nBloo Moose (Free Mars)\nWatch the World Burn (Magnum Opus)


Corp restricted:


Hunter Seeker (Terminal Directive)\nSurveyo r (Kampala Ascendent)\nObokata Protocol (Blood and Water)\nMti Mwekundu: L ife Improved\nGlobal Food Initiative (Data and Destiny)\nWhampoa Reclamati on (Blood and Water)\nRashida Jaheem (The Devil and the Dragon)


Co rp banned:


Estelle Moon (Terminal Directive)\n24/7 News Cycle (Dat a and Destiny)\nHired Help (Magnum Opus)