BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:2035alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20190810T110000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20190810T235900 URL: y-cake LOCATION:Railway Institute\, 22 Queen St\, York YO24 1AD\, UK SUMMARY:York Regionals / Aki Birthday :cake: CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Presales are now live: -regional-york-2019-tickets-61798698571\nInformation:\nWhen: August 10th R eg: 10am - Round 1: 11am\nWere: York Railway Institute\nFormat: Competitiv e\, Standard. Deck lists required\n4/5 Rounds and Top cut\nPrice: £18 on the day or £15 in advance\nPrizes:\nWinner: Nationals/Contentionals bye\n Top 4: Plastic Az Mcaffery ID\nTop 8: Playmat featuring the Artist\nTop 16 : Acme Identity\nTop 32: Adam Idenity\nTop 64: Scrubber alt art\nEveryone: Lucky dip deck\, Snare! ONR style Alt art (see pictures)\nWelcome to York Regional\, we had the biggest SC in the UK at 26 players - lets beat that with our regional.\nCome and face the likes of the champ himself Patrick "\;Rotom"\; Gower in the quest for a nationals bye.\nAlso with it being TO\, Akira's birthday they're will be cake!!\nEvent will use the mos t recent MWL as per competitive rules and floor rules. Please find these o n\nAs per nisei floor rules proxies and unofficial alts are lega l and the TOs discretion\, these will not be unreasonable rejected as long as they have the correct information\, and have sensible art.\nHANDWRITTE N PROXIES ARE NOT ALLOWED.\nThe venue is a 5min walk from York train stati on. (it's actually next door to the station)\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
Presales are now live: https://
\nWhen: August 10th Reg: 10am - Rou nd 1: 11am\nWere: York Railway Institute\nFormat: Competitive\, Standard. Deck lists required\n4/5 Rounds and Top cut\nPrice: £18 on the day or £1 5 in advance
\nPrizes:\nWinner: Nationals/Contentionals bye\nTop 4: Plastic Az Mcaffery ID\nTop 8: Playmat featuring the Artist\nTop 16: Acme Identity\nTop 32: Adam Idenity\nTop 64: Scrubber alt art
\nEveryone: Lucky dip deck\, Snare! ONR style Alt art (see pictures)
\nWelcome to York Regional\, we had the biggest SC in the UK at 26 players - lets be at that with our regional.
\nCome and face the likes of the champ hi mself Patrick "\;Rotom"\; Gower in the quest for a nationals bye.< /p>\n
Also with it being TO\, Akira's birthday they're will be cake!!
\nEvent will use the most recent MWL as per competitive rules and floo r rules. Please find these on
\nAs per nisei floor rules p roxies and unofficial alts are legal and the TOs discretion\, these will n ot be unreasonable rejected as long as they have the correct information\, and have sensible art.\nHANDWRITTEN PROXIES ARE NOT ALLOWED.
\nThe venue is a 5min walk from York train station. (it's actually next door to the station)