BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:2017alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20190428T104500 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20190428T235900 URL: LOCATION:Eddington Avenue\, Cambridge CB3 1AA\, UK SUMMARY:Cambridge SC 2019 CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Please join us for Cambridge's first community run Store Champi onship!\nPlease note that the tournament schedule is 5 rounds of swiss\, f ollowed by a cut to top 3 (single elimination).\nSee below for more detail s.\n\nDate: Sunday\, 28th April 2019\nVenue: Storey's Field Centre\, Eddin gton Avenue\, Cambridge\nDoors Open: 10:30 am (I'll be chilling in the lob by from 10:00 am)\nRound 1: 10:45 am\nFinish Time: 18:30 pm\nPlayer Cap: 2 4\nPrice: £12.50\nFormat: Standard\nSchedule: 5 rounds of swiss\, cut to top 3 (single elimination)\nRules Tier: Casual (Decklist required)\nRound Time: 65 mins per Swiss round\, 40 mins per elimination round\nProxies are permitted as per Nisei Organised Play Policy.\nAll players are expected t o be excellent to each other\, as per Nisei Organised Play Policy.\nGettin g to the Venue\nBy Car\nAs there is limited parking on site\, drivers are advised to park at Madingley Road Park and Ride\, which is free (for up t o 18 hours) and only a 5 minute walk away. There is disabled parking on s ite for Blue Badge holders (please note parking charges still apply).\nMad ingley Road Park and Ride is on the A1303. If you are travelling Northwar ds on the M11\, you want to get off at Junction 13 and head towards Cambri dge.\nBy Train / Bus\nEddington is on the Whippet Universal Bus route (U). There is a U Bus that leaves Cambridge Railway Station at 10:10 from Sto p 8\, and arriving at Storey's Field Centre at 10:35. The last U Bus depa rts from Storey's Field Centre at 18:45. More info on the Universal Bus ( including fare information and the timetable) can be found on the Whippet website (but\, honestly\, just use google maps).\nYou can also use the Cit i 4\, X3 buses which travel to/from Madingley Road\, and the Madingley Roa d Park and Ride and the Citi 5 and Citi 6 buses to/from Huntingdon Road. M ore info can be found on the Stagecoach website (but\, honestly\, just use google maps).\nIf you are having any trouble in getting to the venue\, pl ease message me on slack (@kikai).\nFood &\; Drink\nStorey's Field Cent re has a licensed bar\, and will be serving a variety of alcoholic and non -alcoholic beverages.\nThere is a Sainsbury's immediately across the road from the venue (closes at 16:00 on a Sunday).\nPreregister\nTo preregister \, please send £12.50 via paypal to\, quoting &qu ot\;Cambridge SC"\;\, as well as your name / slack handle\, in the not es of the transaction.\nWhy Preregister?\nApart from helping me to organis e the event\, the more players that preregister\, the more additional priz e support that will be unlocked (see Additional Prizes)\nSchedule\nRegistr ation\n10:45 - Swiss Round 1\n11:55 - Swiss Round 2\nLunch!\n13:30 - Swiss Round 3\n14:40 - Swiss Round 4\n15:50 - Swiss Round 5\nAwards Ceremony\n1 7:00 - Semi-Final - Seed #3 vs Seed #2 (Seed #2 pick of corp/runner)\n17:4 0 - Final - Winner of the Semi-Final vs Seed #1 (Seed #1 pick of corp/runn er)\nThis\, slightly unconventional\, cut to top 3 (single elimination) is intended to:\n\nallow for a more relaxed schedule (including a lunch brea k!)\nmean more netrunner for more players\nmake for an exciting cut\, that you absolutely will want to hang around and watch!\n\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Please join us for Cambridge's first commun ity run Store Championship!


Please no te that the tournament schedule is 5 rounds of swiss \, followed by a cut to top 3 (single elimination).\nSee below fo r more details.\n\"Nisei\nDate: Sunda y\, 28th April 2019\nVenue: Storey's Field Centre\, Eddington Avenue\, Cambridge\nDoors Open: 10:30 am (I'll be chilling in the lobby from 10:00 am)\n Round 1: 10:45 am\nFinish Time: 18:30 pm\nPlayer Cap : 24\nPrice: £12.50\nFormat: Standard\nSchedul e: 5 rounds of swiss\, cut to top 3 (single elimination)\nRules Tier: Casual (Decklist required)\nRound Time : 65 mins per Swiss round\, 40 mins per elimination round


Proxies are permitted as per Nisei Organised Play Policy.\nAll players are expected to be excellent to each other\, as per Nisei Organised Play Policy.


Getting t o the Venue


By Car


As there is limited parking on site\ , drivers are advised to park at Madingley Road Park and Ride \, which is free (for up to 18 hours) and only a 5 minute wa lk away. There is disabled parking on site for Blue Badge holders (please note parking charges still apply).


Madingley Road Par k and Ride is on the A1303. If you are travelling Northward s on the M11\, you want to get off at Junction 13 and head towards Cambrid ge.


By Train / Bus


Eddington is on the Whippet Universal Bus route (U). There is a U Bus that leaves Cambridge Railwa y Station at 10:10 from Stop 8\, and arriving at Storey's Fi eld Centre at 10:35. The last U Bus departs from Storey's Field Centre at 18:45. More info on the Universal Bus (including fare information and the timetable) can be found on the Whipp et website (but\, honestly\, just use google maps).


You can al so use the Citi 4\, X3 buses which travel to/from Madingley Road\, and the Madingley Road Park and Ride and the Citi 5 and Citi 6 buses to/from Hunt ingdon Road. More info can be found on the Stagecoach website (but\, honestly\, just use go ogle maps).


If you are having any trouble in getting to the venue\ , please message me on slack (@kikai).


Food &\; Drink


Storey's Field Centre has a licensed bar\, and will be serving a variety of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages.


There is a Sainsbury's immediately across the road from the venue (closes at 16: 00 on a Sunday).




To preregister\, please sen d £12.50 via paypal to paypal .me/kikainoraneko\, quoting "\;Cambridge SC"\;\, as well as yo ur name / slack handle\, in the notes of the transaction.


Why Pre register?


Apart from helping me to organise the event\, the more players that preregister\, the more additional prize support that will be unlocked (see Additional Prizes)




R egistration\n10:45 - Swiss Round 1\n11:55 - Swiss Round 2\nLunch!\n13:30 - Swiss Round 3\n14:40 - Swiss Round 4\n15:50 - Swiss Round 5\nAwards Ceremony\n17:00 - Semi-Final - Seed #3 vs Seed #2 (Seed #2 pick of corp/run ner)\n17:40 - Final - Winner of the Semi-Final vs See d #1 (Seed #1 pick of corp/runner)


This\, slightly u nconventional\, cut to top 3 (single elimination) is intended to: