BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:2015alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Brussels:20190319T190000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Brussels:20190319T235900 URL: LOCATION:Sint-Hubertusstraat 3\, 3000 Leuven\, Belgium SUMMARY:Weird Grid Event Leuven CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Leuven Weird Grid Event\, 19th of March 2019\nWhat is it?\nThis is a fun and casual Netrunner event with an alternative format which is f ocused on the social aspect of playing Netrunner together and exploring pa rts of the cardpool that are seldom or never seen in competitive play. The re will be participation prizes for all participants\, as well as further prize support\, including prizes for the most creative decks.\nHow does it work?\nEach participant will choose one card from each of the lists below (one for runner\, one for corp). At least two copies of the card have to be included in your deck. For the purpose of this format\, the chosen card incurs no influence cost. Otherwise\, the normal deck building rules for the NISEI Standard format apply\, although the new Downfall set will not y et be legal. Proxies are allowed in line with NISEI’s proxy policy.\nCar dlists can optionally be submitted to the event organiser Charlotte before the event to be eligible for the “most creative deck” prizes.\nOn the night of the event\, we will play three rounds of Swiss\, 2 matches each round.\nWhile full net-decking is discouraged\, seeking deckbuilding help and inspiration from other players is explicitly encouraged\, and newer pl ayers are welcome!\nPrize support\nParticipation: NISEI Q1 2019 Rashida Ja heem (2-3 dep. on participant number)\nMost creative decks: Charlotte will choose at least 1 runner and 1 corp deck to receive 1 extra card of choic e from the mixed prize pool\, based on particularly creative inclusion of your listed cards.\nDid your card work? After every match\, note down whet her the selected card in your deck did its thing and had an impact on the game. 1 extra card from the prize pool per 2 matches (rounded up) where th is was the case! (Remember\, this is a casual event\, so this is on the ho nour system.)\nWhen/ Where/ How much?\nPre-registration via e-mail (flotte or on (though ideally not both) str ongly encouraged!\nTuesday\, 19th of March\, 19:00\nDemospel Leuven\nTicke t price: 5€\nCard lists\nCorp\nValley Grid\nChiLo City Grid\nSurat City Grid\nOld Hollywood Grid\nNihongai Grid\nHeinlein Grid\nSatellite Grid\nKh ondi Plaza\nRunner\nEmptied Mind\nChatterjee University\nFlashbang\nIce An alyzer\nEndless Hunger\nPanchatantra\nSee also link\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
Leuven Weird Grid Event\, 19th of M arch 2019
\nWhat is it?\nThis is a fun and casual Netrunner event with an alternative format which is focused on the social aspect of playing Netrunner together and exploring parts of the ca rdpool that are seldom or never seen in competitive play. There will be pa rticipation prizes for all participants\, as well as further prize support \, including prizes for the most creative decks.
\nHow does it work?\nEach participant will choose one card from each of the lists below (one for runner\, one for corp). At least two copies of the ca rd have to be included in your deck. For the purpose of this format\, the chosen card incurs no influence cost. Otherwise\, the normal deck building rules for the NISEI Standard format apply\, although the new Dow nfall set will not yet be legal. Proxies are allowed in l ine with NISEI’s proxy policy.\nCardlists can optionally be submitted to the event organiser Charlotte before the event to be eligible for the “ most creative deck” prizes.\nOn the night of the event\, we will play th ree rounds of Swiss\, 2 matches each round.
\nWhile full net-decking is discouraged\, seeking deckbuilding help and inspiration from other pla yers is explicitly encouraged\, and newer players are welcome!
\nWhen/ Where/ How much?< /strong>\nPre-registration via e-mail ( or on alwa (though ideally not both) strongly encouraged!\nTuesday\, 19th of March\, 19:00\nDemospel Leuven\nTicket price: 5€
\nCard lists\nCorp\nValley Grid\nChiLo City Grid\nSurat C ity Grid\nOld Hollywood Grid\nNihongai Grid\nHeinlein Grid\nSatellite Grid \nKhondi Plaza
\nRunner\nEmptied Mind\nChatterjee Universit y\nFlashbang\nIce Analyzer\nEndless Hunger\nPanchatantra
\nSee also link