BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:2009alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Brussels:20190316T123000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Brussels:20190316T235900 URL: LOCATION:Beggaardenstraat 6\, 2000 Antwerpen\, Belgium SUMMARY:Critical Run Antwerpen CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:\nAnd we're back with another Critical Run event in Antwerpen!\ nYou guys know the drill: we will be playing several rounds of swiss based on attendance\, and cut top a top 3 showdown if there is enough interest. This is a casual tier event\, so if you're new to the game\, don't have a ll the cards or have never played in a tournament before\, this is your ch ance to come out\, meet some cool Netrunner people (we don't bite!)\, play some games and have a drink!\nThis time around we'll be playing for the 2 018 FFG Q2 kit\, which we didn't receive last year and was sent to us by t he lovely Akira Mitchell! Everyone will get at least one or two alternate art Imps\, with the top players going home with an alternate art double-si ded Apex or an acyllic HB clicktracker (see the discussion section for an image of the prizes).\nThis will be a Standard event. Legal card pool is u p to and including System Core 2019. As this is a casual event\, you don't need to bring decklists but I do expect everyone's deck to be legal under the NISEI MWL 3.1\, which can be found here: d-formats\nEntry fee is €5.\nWe'll start at around 12:30 so everyone has time to grab something to eat first.\nSee you there\, stay safe New Angel es!\nThomas aka Cluster Fox\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
And we're back with another Critical Run event in Antwerpen!\nYou guys know the drill: we will be pla ying several rounds of swiss based on attendance\, and cut top a top 3 sho wdown if there is enough interest. This is a casual tier event\, so if you 're new to the game\, don't have all the cards or have never played in a t ournament before\, this is your chance to come out\, meet some cool Netrun ner people (we don't bite!)\, play some games and have a drink!
\nTh is time around we'll be playing for the 2018 FFG Q2 kit\, which we didn't receive last year and was sent to us by the lovely Akira Mitchell! Everyon e will get at least one or two alternate art Imps\, with the top players g oing home with an alternate art double-sided Apex or an acyllic HB clicktr acker (see the discussion section for an image of the prizes).
\nThi s will be a Standard event. Legal card pool is up to and including System Core 2019. As this is a casual event\, you don't need to bring decklists b ut I do expect everyone's deck to be legal under the NISEI MWL 3.1\, which can be found here:
\nEntry fe e is €5.\nWe'll start at around 12:30 so everyone has time to grab somet hing to eat first.
\nSee you there\, stay safe New Angeles!
\nThomas aka Cluster Fox