BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:2006alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20190316T110000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20190316T235900 URL: ips LOCATION:53-53a High St\, Chatteris PE16 6BH\, UK SUMMARY:Chatteris Store Championships CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:This is the Hobbit Hole Store Championship for 2019! RC is TO\, but will ask better players than him to be Judge (or check in stimslack i f people aren't comfortable doing so)\nWe are capped at 12 players\, so it will be four rounds of Swiss before moving to a double cut (2 v 3\, winne r player 1 in a single final). MWL3.1 is in effect so please don't have yo ur 419 decks run both Crowdfunding and Employee Strike. Decklists are not needed as this is a casual tier event\, but if you have them with you that 'll make my life easier should I need to do a deck check.\nRegistration is from 10am to 10:45\, with round one starting at 11am and we'll break for a 30 minute lunch after round two.\nPrizes are as follows:\n1: Regional By e\, Playmat\, 1x Embezzle\, 2x Crowdfunding and a set of the Magnum Opus g olden credit/virus tokens\n2-4: Mat\, 1x Embezzle\, 2x Crowdfunding\n5-8: 2x Embezzle\, 2x Crowdfunding\n9-12: 1x Embezzle\, 3x Crowdfunding\nPlus e veryone will get a random card from RC's stack of spare prizes! (He promis es they aren't all alt art Smokes)\nTickets are available here - only 11 l eft\, so better get in quick!\n e-championship-tickets-57015544027\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

This is the Hobbit Hole Store Championship for 2019! RC is TO\, but will ask better players than him to be Judge (or check in stimslack if people aren't comfortable doing so)


We are c apped at 12 players\, so it will be four rounds of Swiss before moving to a double cut (2 v 3\, winner player 1 in a single final). MWL3.1 is in eff ect so please don't have your 419 decks run both Crowdfunding and Employee Strike. Decklists are not needed as this is a casual tier event\, but if you have them with you that'll make my life easier should I need to do a d eck check.


Registration is from 10am to 10:45\, with round one sta rting at 11am and we'll break for a 30 minute lunch after round two.


Prizes are as follows:\n1: Regional Bye\, Playmat\, 1x Embezzle\, 2x Cr owdfunding and a set of the Magnum Opus golden credit/virus tokens\n2-4: M at\, 1x Embezzle\, 2x Crowdfunding\n5-8: 2x Embezzle\, 2x Crowdfunding\n9- 12: 1x Embezzle\, 3x Crowdfunding


Plus everyone will get a random card from RC's stack of spare prizes! (He promises they aren't all alt art Smokes)


Tickets are available here - only 11 left\, so better get in quick!

\n ip-tickets-57015544027